@MattHancock if a test becomes available for #CFSME would our government be willing to accept it as diagnosis. Those people should then be assisted to claim benefits. I've spent half my life with no income and big debts, just to survive. ME sufferers dont have the energy...
2... to go through the current claims process. Many have committed suicide. Once a test becomes available the government should actively help people claim. If they knowingly put barriers in the way of people they know cant go through the process, then that is as good as murder...
3... I know the current system is in place and overly complicated due to many lazy/fake claimants. But once there is a blood test in place, it needs to be a golden ticket to receiving benefits for those who most desperately need/deserve it. This whole new wave of...
4...eligible claimants should concern any political party. But there is another solution. Investment in to the disease itself. There have been many biomarkers discovered. The number of sufferers are bordering on a epidemic globally. I cant emphasize enough the number of...
5... claimants and sufferers you will have on your hands, many of whome are currently diagnosed with depression. It's the most debilitating disease there is. So when I asked about you accepting a test as diagnosis, it could drastically increase the amount of claimants...
6... which then becomes a problem, due to the financial impact. Invest now in to the disease. You will save yourself a massive headache in the next few years. When 250,000 people will be entitled to full benefits based on #MECFS alone. No government can support that, so then...
7... the next process will be a legal challenge of sick people against the government/DWP. Which never looks good on a CV. I was always taught be proactive rather than reactive. I know in politics this is impossible the majority of the time. However the sustainability...
8... of London with HS2 is an example of a government looking 50 years ahead. I hope I can persuade you to treat #MECFS with the same importance. I dont want to be retweeting this in 3/4 years from now saying I told you so. In case you do math like Dianne Abbott, I'll do it...
9... for you 250,000 × £10,000 = £2,500,000,000 on #MECFS claimants. #MECFS is curable, there needs to be funding to speed up the process of research. It is now where HIV was 50 years ago. However we have the technology and the scientists now to speed up the process...
10... we can all be cured in 4 years time. But only with major government support. How many chronic condition have such large number of sufferers. We are desperate, majority cant have families as we cant look after ourselves. Our partners/parents are our carers. I fear our...
11... government doesnt understand the scale of our suffering. They think we are just tired. There is a stigma that stems through society. Even my doctors dont understand. But forthcoming biomarkers, will change that and cause all governments and insurance companies a headache...
12... unfortunately what I fear will happen. You'll ignore this. We'll go on suffering, with the only scientists in the field being there due to personal reasons. So research to be slow going. Majority of funding through donations, which means theres no long term job security...
13... to any other top researchers. 4 years from now the test will be available only through private clinics. But our government will argue the accuracy of the tests. So sufferers will continue suffering. Then court cases will start...
14... You'll be long gone and it won't be your problem when its finished. Be a hero Mr Hancock. Take up this plight. Don't be just another politician who buries his head and leaves it for someone else to deal with. As our PM said, it's time to be social servants. Kind Regards CH
@MattHancock I refer to my plight to get you to look in to #MECFS
Theres every chance that @BorisJohnson could now come down with it, a viral infection that's gone this far will now be in your Central nervous system. SARS and MERS both of the same family as SARS-cov2...
... had a very high rate of #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis. The fatigue hes been experiencing, #mecfs sufferers go through everyday. Myself for over 30 years. Fund and research it now. We beg you
@MattHancock @BorisJohnson please read this. Many will come down with #MECFS even likely the PM now.
I implore you to protect school children. This virus will cause #MECFS #MS #DEMENTIA #CANCER. This could be the worlds biggest disaster. Viruses live in you forever. These....
...Children appear to be asymptomatic or have mild symptoms. The fact is the virus will attack as soon as their immune system becomes weakened. So many lives will be ruined.
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