#Judah #Yahudah (A LONG THREAD)

#Grace does not give a license to willfully transgress the commandments, statutes, and ordinances of The Most High.

How many times have you heard, "We aren't under the law, we're under grace"? Or "Jesus nailed the law to the cross"
...or "The law is a yoke of bondage".

Each of those statements has to do with a misinterpretation of Paul's writings.

I don't have an issue with Paul. I also recognize that his writings weren't for #Israel, but for #Gentiles, as Paul was the Apostle to the Gentiles. Now...
...that doesn't mean it isn't useful. Because all Scripture is (2 Timothy 3:16-17). However, many denominations elevate their misinterpretation of Paul's writings over the rest of #Scripture.

Pull up a chair, get your Bible, because there is a lot to learn...
Why am I addressing this to #Israel and #Judah? Because we have been cursed (Deuteronomy 28:15-68) for disobeying and disregarding Torah.

If it wasn't, then why have we endured the last 400 years?

If "the law was abolished", as many denominations have...
...taught, then why were we subjected to those particular curses promised for disobedience to #Torah?

So anyone who tells you, "the law doesn't apply" is either misguided, or wants you to stay in #captivity here in #Egypt (second Egyptian captivity per Deut 28:68).
1. Only the misinterpreted epistles of Paul can be used to support a Torah-less #Israel. If Paul's writings are looked at without the proper frame of reference (written to specific groups of Gentiles with specific sins/issues in their assembly), it's easy to see...
(1, cont'd)...how one can reach the conclusion that #Torah no longer applies. But this violates several principles in Scripture. Mainly, the law of evidence.

#Israelite civil law worked differently than today's law. Today, a single eyewitness can be...
(1, cont'd)...enough to convict someone of a crime...even a death penalty crime. Not so in #Israel. Deuteronomy 17:6, 19:15 and 2 Corinthians 13:1 let us know that "By the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established".

It takes two or three witnesses...
(1, cont'd)...establish any matter.

It's why the Most High called heaven and Earth as witnesses in Deuteronomy 30:19, and #Yahushua mentioned heaven and Earth passing away (Matthew 5:17-19) when stating that He hadn't come to destroy the Torah and Prophets.

(1, cont'd)...heaven and Earth were the witnesses to the enduring nature of Torah!

Their very existence testifies to the fact that Torah is still in force!

Go outside.

Look up & look down.

Are you standing on earth? Is there sky?

Since both are yes...
(1, cont'd)...then #Torah is still in force and applies, regardless of what your denomination or pastor has taught.

Back to the matter of a single witness, only Paul's writings are interpreted as eliminating Torah. No one else in #Scripture teaches...
(1, cont'd)...that. In fact, the opposite is said throughout the 66 book canon.

My witnesses to Torah being in force?

A. Heaven
B. Earth
C. #Yahushua said so (Matt 5:17-19)
D. John (1 John 2:3-6, 5:2-3)
E. Paul (Romans 3:31)
F. #TrueIsrael (Deut 28:15-68)
2. Matthew 5:17-19. If you're in the KJV or NKJV, "fulfill" is used twice (1x in v17 and 1x in v17). The Greek words are dramatically different. There's a great tweet on v17 here ( https://twitter.com/brianwsargent/status/1205864967351787520?s=19).

But v18 is a major qualifier.

You see...
(2, cont'd)..."fulfill" in v17 is different from v18. In v18, the Greek word is "ginomai", which means "has come to pass".

Heaven & Earth are still standing and all in the Torah and prophets has NOT come to pass.

Here are 5 events that have yet to take place:
(2, cont'd)...

A. Isaiah 2:2-4
B. Isaiah 13:9-11
C. Micah 4:3
D. Zephaniah 3:8-9
E. Zechariah 14:9, 12

Those are prophetic statements that show not all has come to pass or been fulfilled.

Plus, Heaven and Earth are still standing. #Torah is still in force.
3. #TrueIsrael (Deuteronomy 28:15-68).

No other people group except those called "African Americans" or "blacks" meets the criteria of these Scriptures.

If you look at these verses, you will see that these curses hit us, and hit hard. Every single one of them.
(3, cont'd)... The fact that they happened to us, AFTER #Yahushua left this earth should be enough of a wake-up call that #Torah or "the law" still applies. Because these words were penned by Moshe thousands of years before they actually happened!

(3, cont'd)...they happened in response to us serving other gods, and being disobedient to Yah's instructions.

Why haven't these curses hit other people groups?

They didn't make the covenant with Him.

We did.

We were supposed to obey #Torah and...
(3, cont'd)...point people to The Most High (Deuteronomy 4:1-10). We were supposed to be a special treasure to Him above all people, a kingdom of priests and a holy nation (Exodus 19:5-6).

Yah gave us the opportunity to do and be all of that, and...
(3, cont'd)...we went and served other gods, choosing sin, disobedience, and rebellion over Him.

But thankfully, He sent Messiah.

#Yahushua, the best of us. Who redeemed us from our sins and blessed us with eternal life. He is the doorway to eternal life...
(3, cont'd)...But that doesn't mean that we can disregard #Torah. It's in force. The last 400 years speak to that.

Obedience to #Torah doesn't save us. Only faith in #Yahushua saves us.

But we obey #Torah to show that we love Him (John 14:15, 1 John 5:2-3).
What good is belief if you don't act on it?

Like Messiah's brother said, " #Faith without works is dead" (James 2:17-26).

Walk in His love, #Israel and #Judah.

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