So, Brexit is about to happen, and we will be one of a handful of nations that aren't in a trade bloc.

There's a couple of pariah nations, a handful of vast, empty wildernesses, some failed states... and us.

Fortunately we're the 7th biggest economy in the world. Sounds big. Tough. Powerful.

However, as a % of global GDP -

1. USA - 23%
2. EU - 17%
3. China - 15%

7. UK 2% (and falling)

Rola Cola is the 7th biggest cola brand. They don't dictate terms to Coke and Pepsi.

To get decent trade deals and keep ourselves afloat, we will need to form alliances, and use teamwork to get better deals. Bulk purchasing power.

So pretty soon, when we see the sacrifices required to get a deal with USA or China, we'll look for a club to join.

But let's look again at that map. Notice anything?

There are no non-contiguous trade blocs. At all. Every country in a trade bloc — i.e. all of them — is in a bloc with it's neighbours

And cos we are at the edge of a continent, there's only one bloc next to us.

The EU.

We aren't going to join the African Union. NAFTA isn't about to open the books for a country 4200 miles away.

But we share a land border with the EU.

And it is the only bloc on earth able to deal with USA or China on roughly equal terms.

So all you Leave voters: congratulations. No, really. It was — I nearly said "a fair fight" but let's not kid ourselves

But regardless, you won. We are leaving the EU

For a bit.

So don't get too cross when you see #Rejoin hashtags, cos, well... there's nowhere else to go

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