A thread on the 4th dimension! Why is it the fourth & not the second? Because we live in 3 dimensions (3D). What is actually 3D? You know what 3D shapes are, you see it all the time when you go to watch a movie as an option & they give you the glasses. What actually is 3D though?
3D... 3 dimensions. Up/down (that's all one dimension. Then left/right (another separate 1 dimension). Then forward/back ( a THIRD 1 dimension). What's a 3D object though? You know what a cube is? That's a 3D shape. A sphere, a pyramid, an icosahedron (lol Google it) all 3D.
But tell you what. Let's start from 3D & work our way down to 0D (zero dimension) before we work our way back up to 3D & THEN 4D (fourth dimension). Firstly, here's a 3D shape. It's simple. It's a cube. Here you go.
If that's the case then what is a 2D cube? It's a Square... What makes it 2D though? It's lack of a ninety degrees the third time. Let's move on though.
If that's the case then what's a 1D ( one dimensional cube? It's just a line. Are you starting to get it now? No? Let's go down another dimension
Here. Here's a 0D (zero dimensional cube/shape) it's just a dot. Do you get it now? Let me explain. If you want to go up one dimension then you must make at least 90°. & From zero dimensions you go 90° in any direction & what do you have? A line
In this case you've gone up 90° degrees twice. So you've ended up in the same dimension. If you go in the opposite direction in the same dimension it's still the same dimension just the opposite direction. But now you know the first dimension. Let's go to the second dimension.
What happens if you break away from 1D & add 90° perpendicular to said (1D)? You have the second dimension! In this case I've labelled one completely independent dimension as Y & the other as X. Please notice that the 2nd dimension(al) shape is made from 4 perpendicular 1D lines.
Ok so what of the 3rd dimensional correspondent shape? Its a cube if you haven't guessed it but look at it from the dimensional aspect we've just discussed. There are three 2 dimensional planes (not shapes) that intersect to make a 3D object.or six 2D squares that makes a cube.
Here's a better version of looking at it does the diagram below describe each dimension
So what's a 4th dimensional shape look like? If a line is made out of several (0D) dots & a square was made out of (1D) lines (4) then is a cube not made out of several (6 in this case) 2D shapes? Are you starting to get it now? Then logically a 4D shape is made of 3D shapes no?
& it is...a 4D cube is called a hypercube. Or a tesseract (now my header makes sense lol). Here's it's shape. It seems confusing at first but it makes perfect sense. Each face of the fourth dimensional shape is actually a cube (3D) shape. The problem is human comprehension.
The shape you see isn't the full 4D shape because same way 3D objects have 2D shadows & 1D shapes have (0D) shadows (if you look at it from the right perspective like a needle from top down view looks like a dot ((0D)) then the shape you see above is actually the shadow of a 4D!
That's right. You're looking at the 3D (interpretational) shadow of a fourth dimensional shape. If you build the actual shape in question in 3D then truly you're holding the 3D shadow of a 4th dimensional shape. Like so
I can't stress this enough. Fourth dimensional shapes have 3 dimensional shadows. & Following that logic 5th dimensional shapes have 4D shadows (you actually aren't ready for that one) let's move on though.
We live in actual 3 dimensions & some of you have really brought yourselves down a whole dimension because You're obsessed with this shitty 2D app (twitter). Do you know who else lives in 2D land? Mario, sonic, Megaman & other gameboy characters. You're better than that.
Here's another pic. With (W) being the fourth axis (at 90°) thing is you have to remember you're looking at a 2D model ( on your phone screen) of a 3D projected shadow of a 4D shape (does that make sense?) So you'll never really see it properly unless you're in the 4th dimension.
If this shape seems familiar it's because you've seen it before. They've mentioned it in your favourite comic book film (avengers, it's even one of the stones name i think) remember the first transformers film? When the robots were beefing over a cube?! Futurama? It's everywhere!
Couldn't find the Futurama pic but if you've seen the episode you know. Anywho. It's even embroided in sacred geometry in metatrons cube (if you can make it out)
Anyways. All this being said it's assumed we actually live in 4 dimensions (3Dimensions in space & one in time flowing forward constantly). Hence why I said 4 spacial dimensions earlier.
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