1/ Deep breath.

I have a SOLEMN thread ahead. Dems have been saying "solemn" re their ridiculous Impeachment hoax, but what I want to share now IS TRULY solemn in nature.


It's a decode I've put together of the toxic photo of BHO coming per Q
2/ I've pondered, for months, what Q meant by a forthcoming BHO pic of him "Shooting at the Red, White, and Blue". That will shut down the net.

BHO KNOWS the pic is 'out there'. He's warned about it in talks on numerous occasions: "deep fakes" of him that will emerge.
3/ Q says Red White and Blue, that BHO, in tribal attire, is aiming the AK47 at, is a PERSON

I assume Military

Q's Capitalizing of R W and B is intentional. IMO it leads us to hunt 4 the initials of WHO got the SPRAY from BHO's AK47.

SPRAY? also = Water.
Military branch Navy?
4/ Here's my speculation: Michael Scott Speicher, Navy Pilot, 1st casualty of 1991 gulf war. This hero's family has been through a LOT. I do not want to add to their pain.

Full Disclosure: I am married to a retired USAF fighter pilot who saw combat. This hits home for me. Hard.
5/ I ask now that anyone perusing this thread take TIME, out of RESPECT for Captain Speicher & his family, to READ the wikipedia link @ 6/. You will see the misinfo, disinfo, etc. of how & when he died.

Remains were finally returned 8/13/2009, 18 YEARS after his F-18 crashed.
6/ Michael Scott Speicher, USN Captain,
1957-1991, age 33.
call sign SPIKE https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Speicher
Q drop 109 w/ "Michael the arch Angel" started my quest as just a hunch.

Though Michael Scott Speicher wasn't himself a Blue ANGEL, he flew the Blue ANGELS' plane, the F-18.
Could MICHAEL the archANGEL be a clue?
8/ ...then I saw another tiny crumb.
SPIKEd per Q drop 588

Michael Speicher's call sign was SPIKE per the wiki article. This made me look up the meaning of his surname.

When I googled the SPEICHER family crest, I saw it....

the Red White and Blue.

9/ At this point, I took a look at BHO's timeline. Where did open source info say he was Jan, 1991, & earlier? and WHO was financing his living and educational expenses?

There's a HUGE 5 year GAP 1983-88. Then he's at Harvard Law, graduating May, 1991.

But in Jan 1991?...
10/ Q tells us Alaweed of Saudi Arabia paid for BHO to go to Harvard, 88-91.

Q drop 111 is CRITICAL. Read and REPEAT, Q says.

WHAT YEARS was BHO in the Middle East?
WHY would BHO be funded PRE-POLITICAL days???
setup to be Commander in Chief??

THINK what this means!
11/ Let's go to the 5 year gap, 83-88. It COULD actually be longer, 81-88, as there's basically no evidence that BHO ever attended Columbia ...Records are Sealed, per BHO's first executive order after election. Yea.
12/ My premise: BHO lived/trained in the Middle East w/his handlers, financed by House of Saud during the 80s. In BHO book Dreams of my Father? NEVER ADMITS being in the mid-East.

But? in a surprise 2008 election speech? He spills it, knowing his passport's been compromised!
13/ IMO it was WAY longer than the "about 3 weeks" admitted to. More like 3 YEARS, to groom a "Manchurian Candidate" for Commander in Chief of USA

C_IA spooks John Brennan & Zbigniew Brzezinski (Mika's dad) were there contemporaneously

Harvard Undergraduate Muslim Assoc
14/ back to BHO AK47 Tribal photo
and Michael Speicher (MSS) shot down

Does Timeline put BHO and MSS together 1/17/91?

Yes. Harvard is on break mid Dec to late Jan every year.

BHO likely traveled to mideast to meet handlers/payers over all breaks

Just as WAR broke out
16/ and here's what I just about cannot post. But must.

A Manchurian candidate is a politician that is a puppet for a foreign enemy power.

To have the Washington Times (above at 15/) admit BHO was one, is staggering.
17/ Just HOW does a Manchurian candidate PROVE to the foreign enemy power that he/she will serve the enemy power's interests rather than his/her home nation?

The horrific scene in Manchurian candidate. To be willing to shoot & kill one's own countrymen
18/ Back to BHO and MSS.
Both in the Middle East on the 1st day of the Gulf War, 1/17/91?

BHO's task to show where his loyalty lies...dressed in tribal attire, lodging an AK47 bullet SPRAY AGAINST the Red White and Blue, MSS, a Navy pilot who ejected after his plane was shot?
19/ the official DoD findings that "Capt Speicher was found dead at the crash site by Bedouins and his remains buried".

YOU decide if that passes the smell test...
20/ More Crumbs from a white hat to confirm?
@SecPompeo has posted a St MICHAEL icons, right by a tree covered with the Red White and Blue

Trust Kansas.
21/ Red White Blue seems to direct us to examine initials. I looked at MS in the q drops. Yes, it's normally MS13 as shown, but there's anomalies in how Q posts.

Also MS-13 and MS_13 and HUMA as Ms.

I'll post each to compare.➡️
22/ q drop 1008 has MS_13 and MS[13] used instead of usual MS13.

Q appears to want us to use gematria for initials, posting [M=13]

MS = M13+S19=32.
32 is a cabal # Skull & Bones 322
also Michael Speicher INITIALS

[2] were 187'd? Ass@ssination
Seth Rich & Michael Speicher?
23/ h/t @hmcd123 . this graphic was shared on the chans months ago re Michael Speicher. Sorry we don't have the author to credit. Lays out much of what's in this thread.
24/ again h/t @hmcd123 for another graphic with the Manchurian candidate link. https://twitter.com/hmcd123/status/1181245454429720578
25/ Recall Q posted "many who 'represent us' do not love us' OR do they love the Red White and Blue

Q post 3601 https://twitter.com/conservativma/status/1168180896102588421
26/ and another crumb re: MICHAEL the archANGEL aka Michael Speicher, with this Victory ANGEL music posted by Q drop 3594?
27/ update: just saw a lengthy article in Decision Christian magazine that @SecPompeo is PRESBYTERIAN, not Eastern Orthodox. The St. Michael icon is IMO Validated as a Q Comm. Presbyterians don’t display icons
28/ also? Worried the populace will buy into Hussein's 'explanation' that the photos are deep fakes?

The blue check military is assuring us that it will be easy peasy to tell the REAL from the FAKE!
29/ UPDATE: @DanScavino tweets out a SUNLINE video with RED POPPIES, honoring Veteran Remembrance Day.

SUNLINERS was Speicher's Squadron.

Timestamp :47 links to Q drop 1047, w/the Hussein AK47.

173rd squadron also honoring Speicher?
timestamp :48 matches Hussein AK47 also
30/ HUSSEIN a FOREIGN AGENT groomed by the Michael Speicher sacrifice to be Command[er] in Chief?

ER = Active Agent in grammar
31/ DiGenova tried to warn us that Barack Hussein Obama was the REAL RUSSIAN AGENT in the White house, not Trump. A year ago, 1/15/19 @IngrahamAngle 2:55 mark. https://twitter.com/Bruno062418/status/1222945915167760385

today is Medal of Honor Day
Spike was awarded DFC medal posthumously
Category V

Spike's squadron mascot was a RHINO

LOOK at today's tweets by POTUS and FLOTUS?


IMO they are honoring Spike's sacrifice
Would LOVE to see a MOH for him.
33/ RWB.
R We Blazin.


I'm thinking this is why Q repeatedly posts the flaming sword of St. Michael.

To show that the white hats KNOW the evil that was done to our guy, and THEY. WILL. PAY.

34/ Do Not Fear.

Q drop 3895
RIP , Patriot.
We will avenge.
God Wins.
35/ America will be Unified


Spike's squadron of F-18's was the Sunliners VFA-81

Motto: Anytime, Anyplace = AA

V 22
F 6
A 1 = digits sum to 11

AA = 11

f-18 aircraft


when America learns Spike's story?

America will be Unified Again.
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