Fan mail.

Let's take it one line at a time:

It wasn't an "article." It was a Facebook post. So, I'm already questioning your perception and reasoning ability, right out of the box.


Hate, you say. Huh. Well, let's go take a look at that post, shall we?


THAT post. The one which mentions the First Lady's "anti-bullying Be Best campaign" while at the same time Melania Trump said her husband was justified in using the power of his office to attack a 16-year-old.

She had it coming, said Melania Trump. Deserved it even.

That post? Is THAT the post you're talking about?

Horrible. I'm horrible. Right? Me. Not the 73-year-old rich white guy sitting in the most powerful office in the world attacking a teenager. No. Not that guy. It's me. I'm the one with whom you're upset.


Angry. Aggressive.

Me. NOT Trump, who angrily and aggressively attacks children and adults with impunity. Because people like you excuse him. Because people like you have ALWAYS excused his behavior -- as the rich and privileged and white and powerful are always excused.

Yes you do.

You do get it. You do.

You just pretend ignorance. Because ignorance works for you. Because you've never been held to account for your deliberate ignorance. Because you have that luxury, that privilege.

There are no consequences to YOU for your foolishness.

But so that we are clear here: My professional political view honed by thousands of hours of trained analysis is that the president of the United States of America is a bully and a lout and buffoon and an ignorant bombastic fool.

My political view is that his wife is gold-digging mercenary who excuses his bullying and enables his foul behavior. And the only reason I don't use the word "whore" here is because in a political ideology that also includes Lindsey Graham it seems seems a tad redundant.

My political view is that people like you are the reason people like Donald Trump continue to get away with this garbage behavior.

You're like those Germans who lived next to the concentration camps and pretended not to know what was going on. Because it didn't affect YOU.

Of course you don't see it.

Of course not.

Because you have deliberately and with malice aforethought averted your eyes -- just as people like you have always done even while the ash of the crematoriums rained down like snow.

You are a smug self-righteous member of a demographic which directly benefits from those like Trump, and so you refuse to see anything which might force you to face your privileged place in our society or acknowledge the inequity of others.

And it's really just that simple.

Because if you actually cared about anyone other than yourself, really cared, actually and sincerely cared, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

And there it is.

RIGHT there.

You see only what you want to see and blind yourself to everything else. Literally -- LITERALLY -- tens, hundreds of thousands, MILLIONS, of people have loudly told you what they would do differently.

LGBTQ people. People of Color. Women. Immigrants. The Poor. The Hungry. Those without healthcare. Scientists. Scholars. Politicians. Those who wish a better future for their children. Those who care about the environment. Those who care about others...

...Veterans. Teachers. Farmers. Writers like me who have penned more than four million words in the last ten years. ALL have told you what they would do differently.

We ALL have daily told you what we would do differently.

But you do not listen.

No. I can't.

No one can.

No one can, because YOU. DO. NOT. LISTEN.

Because if you actually DID listen, you wouldn't have to ask. And what is so maddening is this: it's not that you are incapable of listening. It's that you WON'T.

You won't. You have chosen not to.

You have deliberately chosen not to listen. Chosen not to see.

You don't give a goddamn about anything or anybody but yourself. Not your fellows, not your neighbors, not the past, not the present, and most certainly not the future.

The only thing you care about is you.

Your god is selfishness. You entire existence is endless self-gratification, nothing but masturbation, and your message to me is nothing but more of the same.

You expect everyone else to do the work, while you stand by, eyes averted, while your president attacks a kid, daily attacks Americans, attacks the very institutions of America and cozies up to its enemies.

You can't figure out what the problem is?

You want me to tell you? You promise to listen?

The problem is YOU.


If you want a better nation, start being a better citizen.

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