Absolutely not. You are literally promoting **Starvation** and this pathologization of food and moralization of thinness is the reason why Nutritionists, ED-Recovery specialists, and the like have a never-ending supply of clients with eating disorders.

/thread - buckle up! https://twitter.com/Iron_Spike/status/1206993464459759620
A famous research study in the health industry is one that found abhorrent physical and psychological effects from caloric restriction in 40 able-bodied men over 6 months to a year known as the **Minnesota Starvation Experiment.**
Researchers were trying to find the effects of starvation so they could learn how to re-feed the body efficiently in response to impoverished nations needing nutrition after WW2

Source for the screencaps I used: http://bit.ly/35wzyol 

Fr/ an ED center: http://bit.ly/36K7Ww3 
They discovered that, in response to starvation, both the mind and the body become severely compromised & begin to fall apart. It's also backed up by additional research.

Bc you're starving yourself, then the long term effects will be the RESULTS in general starvation studies.
1 - You become depressed & or suicidal - http://bit.ly/2EoFgfY 
2 - You suffer: Hair Loss, Constipation, Cognitive Issues, and Lack of Heat Regulation - http://bit.ly/35Act3W 
3 - Your metabolism slows - http://bit.ly/2EudqPC 


This is a young girl using the methods you suggest which would essentially be compounding limited cal-intake to 1 barely-there meal a day -



MORE TW CONTENT (Bc I need to make a point of this, so it will be graphic and I apologize) -

warning - lower your volume/mute-

So another method of disordered eating as an additional example is eating small meals to make up 1000 calories.
I wanted to use these as an example because they're the most commonly recommended by the infrastructure of our society w/ diets.

You're either on the spectrum of 'meal replacement' or fasting or only eating glorified snacks to hit a 500-1000 calorie requirement.
Or 'burning it off' via 'purging' methods fr exercising, which leads to exercise addiction and is a form of a disorder in and of itself where you believe in the 'calories in/calories out' diet-industry myth, which is fake-

1 - http://bit.ly/2ttiFwG 
2 - http://bit.ly/34uBaxz 
3 - http://bit.ly/34yIDvo 

The low-carb methods of dieting don't work either. On top of this, studies to the contrary are often funded by Diet Companies themselves and are often referenced on their websites.
Nutrition is a new field, studies are underfunded or disproportionally funded by Diet and Weightloss companies, so you wind up w/ this fucked up situation where the field is exploited by Big Business who want quick and dirty results w/ the sort of data you posted.
Many studies that get supported by the aforementioned often come to the same result -

Researchers observe patients for a few days or a week, subject them to extremities, and have a bias that finds it 'beneficial' that their bodies produce chemicals to save them--
- And are only doing all of this in a short period of time so no one's observing the (long term) effects of starving out patients or the results of these studies. Then, they conclude that weightloss fr/ starvation 'is good, actually.'
The issue that we're facing now within Capitalism is that because folks are now 'woke' to dieting, diet companies rebrand themselves by adopting 'health and wellness' and seemingly positive approaches that wind up just reinforcing dieting w/ a new name.
For ex, here's a marketing analysis and case study of Weight Watchers' recent rebranding - http://bit.ly/2r77Sre 

They started promoting the image/buzzword 'wellness'. Marketers find that its ambiguity allows for people to project on what it means - http://bit.ly/2EoN0ib 
Here's another analysis, but using Lean Cuisine's recent rebranding - http://bit.ly/2PYRAJl 

In short, this is how the diet industry's managed to trick ya'll into believing in these new weightloss methods that give you the same result but angle it fr/ a wellness standpoint.
Oh, but bc I'm a smart ass and an insufferable know-it-all, I'm not done. Oh no. The above tweets were context and education, but I'm going to give you a rapid-fire to counteract your claims -
1 - As explored above, it's a quick and dirty way to get data that's skewed and fixed from the start. Health professionals in this article even say that 'there's not sufficient long term evidence that it works' -

Next, I'm going to bet my ass that you and the folks supporting you linked something like this - http://bit.ly/2PUD1GL 

That essentially says 'well it works but there's a cost!' and winds up enabling all the diet-culture mythos I debunked.
Earlier, I mentioned that researchers of these supportive studies 1) are biased, 2) are looking for fixed results, 3) are often funded by weight-loss companies.

The body undergoing starvation isn't physically beneficial. What these studies do is focus on the short-term.
..Because the subsequent crash long-term isn't profitable. That's why there's a limited amount (hardly any) credible studies that document the effects of long-term weight loss and dieting for a year or after 3 or 5 years.

For newbies, you gain it back - http://bit.ly/36Vyr1V 
You're only looking at weight-loss. Obviously, you're going to lose weight if you starve yourself. But as my most recent link shows, most people gain it back. Most as in, almost everyone w/ a small margin of success. Their studies also aren't long term.

You also get all sorts of fucked up psychological and physical effects in ADDITION to that, so hard no.

Next, Insulin Resistance -

Since studies that support fasting are fixed, we have to look at the effects of starvation biologically. Studies show opposing data.
The effects of the body starving itself result in an increase in insulin resistance in folks w/ Anorexia Nervosa - http://bit.ly/2sGYfQb 

AN = Folks who weight cycle & have decreased appetite.
(cont in next thread extension)
@Iron_Spike (bc this is a new sub-thread now bc this got long)

There's also a decrease in metabolism (many studies like this aren't as thoroughly conclusive, but you get my point) - http://bit.ly/2r0IVgU 
When it comes to insulin resistance, esp in diabetes literature, what we're finding (and to combat the notion that fatness makes you susceptible) is that analyzing the sociological portrait of someone is a better health determinant.

For ex, stress - http://bit.ly/35yGIIv 
And all of this considers the effects of Capitalism on someone's well being. It stresses you out and essentially is the reason why people fall ill and die in most cases.

It's not weight that causes diabetes and illness. It's how their circumstances psychologically affect them.
I have a nifty thread debunking Cancer's association w/ Obesity that gives you the gist of why this correlation is False -


And, again, there's plenty of research to support that stress is a central cause, like this one - http://bit.ly/36RePvP 
I'm breaking all of this down and analyzing this in sections bc all of these big and flashy 'beneficial' claims can be dissected and if you understand all of the context presented, you understand that these are hasty and unfounded generalizations and conflations.
Next, ima quickly just go through this bc I've been writing for 3 hrs and the persevering scorpio in me is waning -

Major ones for the studies you'll find on your end are also for -

# Metabolism
# Blood Pressure

So, here we go -
# Metabolism -
In the short term, there's an increase because your body needs the energy boost (in the short term). You're conserving body protein and it's protecting itself.

In the long term (after 72hrs), breaks.

1 - http://bit.ly/2M6vnYx 
2 - http://bit.ly/36Itklp 
And finally, cognitive and cancer-related things were either covered or come down to cherry-picked or inconclusive evidence.

It's not reliable or sufficient.

You're starving yourself. Fasting is starvation.
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