For all those denying any #BBCBias on @BBCNews & @BBCPolitics shows, here's some of the formal 'corrections & clarifications' to "mistakes" made by the @BBC in 2019, which all *completely coincidentally* helped the Tories by damaging @UKLabour's reputation.
The audience laughing at Boris Johnson during the @bbcquestiontime Leaders Debate about his response to a question about 'trust' was *accidentally* edited out.
When Boris Johnson completely messed up Remembrance day by setting off to early then laying a wreath upside-down, the @BBC *accidentally* showed footage from the previous year.

Also, Fiona Bruce on @bbcquestiontime saying Vote Leave did NOT break the law - when they DID.
The @BBC *accidentally* massively inflating allegations of antisemitism within @UKLabour.
The @BBC *accidentally* amplifying a tweet from a fake Tom Watson @twitter account, *accidentally* misrepresenting @UKLabour MP's views on Brexit and *accidentally* misquoting criticism of Labour's New Green Deal proposals.
The @BBC *accidentally* failing to correct a guest's assertion that a @UKLabour MP was facing deselection when she wasn't.
The @BBC *accidentally* claiming a union official was being readmitted to @UKLabour when she'd never left.
When @HackneyAbbott said @UKLabour were level pegging in the polls on @bbcquestiontime, Fiona Bruce *accidentally* said Labour were definitely behind - when Labour were level pegging.
When criticising @UKLabour's 'Race & Faith' manifesto, the @BBC's Victoria Derbyshire *accidentally* said there was NO mention of Islam, when it made explicit mentions of both Muslims and Islamophobia.
On the relentless & disproportionate attention @BBCNews & @BBCPolitics gives to @UKLabour & antisemitism compared to other parties:
Here's @bbclaurak chatting with Jeremy Hunt about his 'unquestionable' commitment to the #NHS.
Here's a selection of other peer-reviewed articles addressing other aspects of the institutional & structural bias of @BBCNews & @BBCPolitics, including its worryingly disproportionate use of right wing newspapers & right wing think tanks who often refuse to reveal their funders.
Also extremely concerning is the fact that there are numerous senior & high profile known right wing presenters & editors on (combined with the complete absence of ANY known left wing presenters or editors on ANY) national @BBCNews or @BBCPolitics shows.

@BBC Chairman Clementi spent 22 years at investment bank Kleinwort Benson, was chairman of Prudential & Virgin Money, ex-Deputy Gov of Bank of England, advised Thatcher on the privatisation of BT & encouraged her to press ahead with the privatisation of more than 50 companies.
Reported hate crimes in England & Wales have doubled since 2013, to 103,379 during 2018/19:

76% race-related

14,491 sexual orientation

8,256 disabled people

3,530 Muslims

1,326 Jews.

So why has @BBCNews ignored most hate crimes & focussed relentlessly on just one type?
"Two days before the election, the first five minutes of the @BBCNews was about a @UKLabour MP saying in a secretly recorded phone call he didn’t think Labour could win. So a historically crucial period in history was reduced to office tittle-tattle."

Here's a few recent questions from the increasingly farcical @bbcquestiontime, which out of the tens of thousands who apply to be in the audience, mysteriously manages to attract an endless supply of known Tory & right wing activists, many of whom make multiple appearances...
Despite @BBC guidance on applying to be on @bbcquestiontime suggesting audience members don't apply more than once in 10 years, well known Tory canvasser Ryan Jacobsz, who accused Corbyn of antisemitism in the #bbcqt Leaders Debate, has been on #bbcqt asking questions four times.
Here's another possibly Freudian/unconscious mistake from @BBC political correspondent Alex Forsyth: “They (Tories) have done a relentless focus on Boris Johnson’s promise to take the UK out of the EU if he wins the majority *that he so deserves*.”
The relationship between journalist's beliefs & news decisions is strongest in systems where partisanship is an acknowledged component of news coverage, but it impacts on news decisions in ALL news arenas, even those bound by law or tradition to a policy of political neutrality.
Finally, I want to make something crystal clear. Britain NEEDS the @BBC. It’s an amazing institution, with some brilliant people & it makes a fantastic contribution to our society, culture, & country. It helps to bring & hold the country together - especially in times of crisis.
The @BBC’s mission is "to act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality & distinctive output & services which inform, educate & entertain", & these foundational principles are honourable, & as needed today as ever before.
The @BBC has five public purposes:

1 To support learning for people of all ages

2 To show the most creative, highest quality & distinctive output & services

3 To reflect the United Kingdom, its culture & values to the world...
4 To reflect, represent & serve the diverse communities of all the UK’s nations & regions &, in doing so, support the creative economy across the UK

It's last public purpose is, arguably, its most important &, given the most right wing govt in UK history, currently most needed:
"To provide impartial news & information to help people understand & engage with the world around them".

Sadly, as this thread, & the known political allegiance of the overwhelming majority @BBCNews & @BBCPolitics presenters & editors shows, it is failing in this purpose.
To help save the @BBC, I implore ALL @BBCNews & @BBCPolitics staff & supporters to undertake a period of self-reflection & critical, rational, evidence-based analysis of its recent output, in order to make it truly impartial.

Because without the @BBC, we’d all be much worse off.
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