A thread of my simple truths:

I reject leftism, it already destroyed my family once in Cuba. I reject racism, we are not valued by the parts of our identity we can’t control but by what we can. I reject open borders, we control our safety and economy by controlling our borders.
I reject climate alarmism, it changes forms every decade from heating to ice ages and never comes true but evil people use it to enrich themselves. I’d rather promote taking care of your local environment. I reject anti-semitism, Jews & Israel are not the cause of your problems.
I reject how leftists manipulate our language, no an illegal immigrant is not simply "undocumented", you’re not for "tolerance" or “inclusiveness” of anyone who doesn’t think like you. Leftists need new linguistic tricks because the old ones are easily exposed as failures & lies.
I reject the "everything is free" culture, there is no such thing as "free" college, someone is being taxed to death to pay for it. I reject how the culture of leftism steals innocence from kids, bringing drag performers for story time isn’t a healthy activity for kids, sorry!
I reject how leftist culture sexualizes kids. Teen vogue shouldn’t have a guide to anal sex. Sex-Ed class should not be teaching you about BDSM, that you can switch your gender whenever you want or that pedophilia is a sexual orientation.
I reject how the left uses kids as shields to make political arguments, kids aren’t props to shield your failed ideology from being dismantled or attacked. Leave kids alone. I reject paying for illegal immigrants health insurance and there’s nothing you can say to change my mind.
I reject the idea 16 year olds should vote, The only reason Democrats want 16 year olds to vote is because they’re highly prone to wanting everything for free and have very little concept of reality yet. If you know any 16 year old’s, you know it’s true!
I reject gun control and gun bans, more people died in 2018 from knives and hammers than they did from ALL rifles, including AR-15’s. I have the right to defend my family from evil people. I have the right to defend myself from an evil mass shooter. I refuse to be a sitting duck.
I reject the idea that killing babies should be normalized or legal, I’m not just pro-life, I’m pro-choice too. I’m pro-your choice to have sex. I believe in taking responsibility for your actions. If you’re adult enough to have sex, you’re adult enough to have a baby.
I reject the idea that it’s fascist to put your country first, I care about everyone but I put my family first just like I care about the world but I put my country first. I won’t compromise the safety and wellness of our country to help another nation.
I reject the idea it’s racist to criticize mass illegal immigration. I reject the idea it’s Islamaphobic to criticize the oppression of women in Islamic countries. I reject the idea it’s transphobic to not want biological men to play soccer in a girls league against my daughter.
I reject the idea that masculinity is bad. I’m proud to have masculine instincts. When someone beats their spouse, cheats, commits a violent crime or kills someone, it’s not an indication masculinity is evil, it’s an indication they’re a broken evil man that lacks masculinity.
I reject modern feminism. Yelling that men are trash doesn’t mean men are trash, it means you’ve had bad taste in men. Maybe stop dating male feminists? The new movement is a far left social engineering movement. Equal pay law exists, we have equal rights and I support those.
I reject how the media has become a far left propaganda machine. It’s evil, dangerous and disgusting how so much of our media is in bed with left wing parties, activists and donors. They’re not objective. They’ve been caught lying over and over. It’s irrational to trust them.
These are my simple truths. I reject leftism. I embrace pragmatic solutions. I like you until you give me a reason not to. I want a safe, prosperous, rational country for my kids to grow up in. I’ve been all over the world and I still believe our country is the best in the world.
Another simple truth to add: I reject the idea that I as a man can wake up and declare myself a woman. Saying I’m a woman does not make me grow a uterus or a vagina. This is simple stuff.
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