I learned about fetal Microchimerism yesterday from on of you & it’s blowing my mind. It’s the scientific discovery that women who get pregnant retain some dna from each child they carry. This sheds light on a ton of OT stuff. But the most mind-blowing

Mary had divine DNA. 🤯
Of COURSE she’s the Queen of everything. How would anything else be remotely appropriate? Anything else would be an insult to God.
Think of the implications. This lends credibility to perpetual virginity, perpetual immaculate-ness, the Assumption, and even infused knowledge.

In fact, regarding infused knowledge ...
Have you ever considered that Mary was probably the greatest philosopher and theologian to have ever lived? But in her humility, she continued to play a role behind the scenes, because she knew it wasn’t about her.
Consider this: she was surrounded by people who knew her Son is God. At one point, they wanted to make him King of the world. They would have wanted to make her queen ... she would have refused.
Have you ever wondered who told the apostles about the annunciation account? The presentation? Finding in the temple?

Have you ever wondered why she was in the upper room?
Have you ever wondered why she didn’t bother to walk to Jesus’ tomb that Sunday ...?
Getting a little tired of stumbling upon awesome things only to find that Ann already has the same opinion and said it better :)
It just makes sense ... https://twitter.com/JonahofNinevah/status/1205193125930635265?s=20
Given that Jesus only had Mary's DNA, they looked *very* much alike. So, it makes sense for an artist to do a rendering based on the Shroud of Turin, like this one. I'm very particular about Marian art, but I like the idea.
So ... now let's add this to the mix. Fetal microchimerism sheds a WHOLE new light on this. When a man gets a woman pregnant, she literally retains some of his genetic material by virtue of the child ... and the 2 become "one flesh." So, the bible is ... literal ...
Now think of the implications regarding Mary. Who was her Spouse? (The Holy Ghost). Who got her pregnant? (Same). Who is she "one flesh" with, by operation of the Father's law?

This is blowing my mind all week ...
Mind blowing in a bad way ... https://twitter.com/OkGrandmaKaren/status/1206114557027991552?s=20
So, I was meditating on the Resurrection, and this thread occurred to me. When Jesus returned, his DNA was transformed into its glorified form.

We know that due to fetal microchimerism, Mary had Jesus DNA.

Was ALL of Jesus DNA "transformed?"

Did she physically experience it?
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