Interested in learning more about Disability History or incorporating it into your teaching?

A good place to start is my syllabus which is arranged by theme:

You can also follow @DisabilityHist & #DisHist

Below, I’m spotlighting recent books on the topic. Please note it’s not comprehensive and only books from the last 5 years. First, some wonderful textbooks covering wide range of topics and issues of #DisHit
Disability & Design is a growing subfield closely connected to issues relating to access and space. Works by @besswww @AimiHamraie & @ElizGuffey
Disabled people are always at the front lines of attack from eugenicist policies (ahem, Harvard’s “dating app”). There’s a growing body of scholarship on how eugenics and immigration impacted lives of disabled people, including by @JayDolmage, Douglas Baynton, and Dagmar Herzog
On disability & race, you must read these valuable books by scholars @DrSamiSchalk, Dea H. Boster, @SaraScalenghe
Issues of disability, citizenship and belonging are perhaps incredibly relevant for today’s political climate. These scholars provide excellent context for these discussions: @audra_jennings, @d_Pettinicchio and editors Nancy Hirschmann & @BethLinker
On Disability and Gender, these works are excellent. The edited collection by Kathleen M. Brian & James W. Trent Jr. on masculinities, Eli Clare on queerness, and Eunjung Kim on gender and cure.
The history of disability technologies is a rising subfield: prosthetics, assistive technologies, and medial devices, including works by Graeme Gooday & @ProfKarenSayer, @Liz_Petrick, @MerylAlper, and the edited collection by @Claire_L_Jones
Disability and war are intimately intertwined, as the works of @Sarahbelle721, Harry G. Lang, and @JohnKinder outline.
And finally, for books that address the historical experiences of disability and work/capitalism, these books by Sarah F. Rose, @DustinGaler, @DrDavidMT and @Daniel_Blackie are outstanding.
I’ll do another thread later this week on forthcoming books related on Disability History. If there are any that you want to spotlight, feel free to comment & link below!

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