

Pass it on.
....because he didnā€™t do it. https://twitter.com/nategrifffox26/status/1083408112223170560?s=21
Shaun King tweeted this the day after this FB post of mine.

It was the first and only acknowledgement that the story he gave made no sense.

He never followed up.
oh, i forget to share this because I donā€™t give a damn about that POS. But the cops killed the man who actually murdered Jazmine in order to cover their tracks and reported it as a suicide.
ok, it's been a whole year and I'm tired of waiting for folks to show up and do the right thing. I've be in conversation with locals, media, lawyers and people inside the county but no one is willing to move because who wants to push past fear & expose the police for 2 niggas?
āœ‹šŸ¾ silly me, i guess.
soooo...maybe I'll break this down for ya'll here, today.
alright....here we go. I tend not to do longer threads anymore but I'm letting you know in advance this one will be lengthy.

Settle in or save it for later. Remember, not only is this case a year old it's been subject to overwhelming misdirection and spin. This is a cover up.
That said, allow me to name all implicated and/or complicit parties in this tweet so that the ones after will hopefully make more sense and be taken at weight.

- Harris County Sheriff's Office (HCSO)
- Shaun King
- The FBI
- Mainstream media
- S. Lee Merritt
I've tried every avenue I know to get someone with institutional support to follow up on this case. We can get into the cowardice of media, orgs and the reliance on the cops to clear up their own corruption later...
Right now I'm sharing that and naming because there is a real danger in what I am saying. Each and every one of these parties is invested in maintaining the cop's version of events, at great cost. Too many ppl to count have expressed concerns for my safety for refuting this story
...but how much longer should we wait? I know my patience ran out long ago. This is simply wrong and obviously fucked up.

and that's why I'm sharing every red flag, falsity and flat out lie that exposed this bullshit for me.

Before I start, remember: COPS LIE.
To really understand what happened you must accept that cops lie.

Not only that they are capable of it but that they DO.

If you can't...wtf were you here for anyway?

Also: it's helpful if you understand that there is a reason certain ppl are framed. (Hint: Black + poor.)
ok, here we go.

This is Jazmine Barnes. She was born Feb 11, 2011.

On December 30, 2018 she was murdered while still in her pajamas.

She, her sisters and her mother were on an early morning run to Wal-Mart.

I want yaā€™ll to hold her throughout this šŸ§µ.

Donā€™t forget her.
At approximately 6:50 am, mother LaPorsha Washington took Jazmine and her three daughters on a morning coffee run when someone pulled up alongside them and fired numerous rounds into their vehicle.

LaPorsha + another daughter were injured. Jazmine was shot in the head, dead.
Two of Jazmineā€™s sisters saw the person and the vehicle. LaPorsha saw only the vehicle.

FOUR other separate people witnessed the shooting to varying degrees.

All agreed on ONE thing: it was a person in a red truck that did the shooting.
The cops and Shaun King have since claimed that everyone was wrong, EVERYONE saw the wrong thing and somehow EVERYONE missed the ā€œrealā€ killers they would offer us up on a platter later.

Too bad we have to ignore a ton of testimony to believe that, including this:
Remember I said media has helped this corruption along?

In the previous screenshot I had to block out the name of a CHILD VICTIM, which should have never been released.

This family has never been protected. This execution was made worse by lazy, rash journalism.
So how did so many ppl see the wrong thing?

How did Jazmine's sister somehow look IN THE EYES of the wrong person + later provide a description for a sketch that strongly favors the person police say didn't murder her sister?

It seems highly unlikely that so many are so wrong.
It's even more unlikely when you consider this BIG fact that media glossed over and blatantly tossed aside:

Before the shooting, the vehicle pulled up on one side of LaPorsha's car.

The killer then pulled up on the OTHER side and began shooting.
But he didnā€™t stop there.

He also pulled up in FRONT of the familyā€™s car and started shooting AGAIN.

He pulled up on THREE sides and shot on TWO and somehow everybody is wrong about which car did it??? Come on...

Listen to LaPorsha tell it from her hospital bed:
So weā€™ve established that several witnesses saw not just the red truck but the white man inside AND that the truck made several maneuverers before and during the shooting.

....later that day, around 2:30 pm, Robert Cantrell is arrested for a stealing a womanā€™s purse.
...and here is where the mess begins:

- police arrested Cantrell on the same day as Jazmineā€™s murder.

- the NEXT day, after already arresting the murderer, they release grainy stills of the truck no one can deny was there:

This was the first šŸš©for me.
Remember this happened by a Wal-Mart, which is loaded with cameras.

We live in a surveillance state.

The police even solicited "community" footage and to date they've only released this one shitty image of the truck.

They've yet to release one of the other car they made up.
4 days after the shooting police release the sketch based on eyewitness testimonies. Made largely by descriptions given by Jazmineā€™s sisters, the sketch is damn near a mirror image of Cantrell.

...and here comes Shaun King...
Scam King starts soliciting information about Cantrell.

What he reported here matches my conversations with ppl in Houston.

He was a known violent racist, suspected in several other violent crimes.

The cops already had the guy in hand, this is where it should have ended.
...unfortunately it didn't and this is due to ONE THING: current political climate.

This was a Black baby girl. Slaughtered during the holiday season.

We were all rightfully enraged.
Cops are still scrambling to prevent "another Ferguson" and a general uprising of Black people.

They couldn't have this.

Celebrities were uplifting the story. People were paying attention.

The world was watching.

It couldn't be a white man.
...two days later it wasn't.

Remember when I said Shaun King solicited info?

He also opened an email for "tips" that he promised to use to work with police to find the killer, plus offered a $100K reward for fruitful information.
Amazingly, this gmail address (I'm not kidding, see below) solved the case!

No more middle aged white man in a truck, it was now two young Black guys in a dark sedan.

Eyewitnesses and actual facts be damned, these niggas did it.
...I know this is long but remember when I said I needed ya'll to THINK a bit here? use your common sense?

This man asked people to send sensitive information about an unsolved heinous murder through A GMAIL ACCOUNT. Never mind the legal implications, that's just nonsensical.
ok, now I'm back to finish this marathon...

Where did I leave off?

ahh yes, the niggas did it, facts be damned now.

I use that term on purpose because the cops' story requires you to condemn these young men as complete degenerates bc

.....this is now a gang shooting. Keep up.
Remember what I said earlier about the world watching?

Well, pinning the murder of a Black girl on two Black men and calling it an ā€œaccidentalā€ (remember how the vehicle pulled up) sure DID change the conversation.

Neat trick they did there. šŸ™„
The cops story now says this was a gang shooting, done by a ā€œdocumented gang memberā€ (did the cops get a membership list?šŸ™„) and a 20 year old kid without a record.

....they didnā€™t mean to, it was an ā€œaccident.ā€

I ask you again, remember the shots from several angles.
Think about which story makes sense here.

....gang members pulled up (twice!) on what was very clearly a mother and her daughters & emptied the clip on accident.

....or that a known racist shot into a car full of Black ppl and Jazmineā€™s sister saw what & who she said she did.
Police arrested Eric Black first, Saturday, Jan 5 after pulling him over for failure to use a turn signal. (This is all important.)

The next day, they arrest who they now call the shooter, Larry Woodruffe.

He is booked and told he is a suspect in an unnamed murder case.
On the same night of Eric Blackā€™s arrest Shaun says NO arrests have been made but that two men identified by ā€œhis confidental informantā€ (thru gmail?) were brought in.

...identified suspects in a murder but police still needed probable cause (see underlined) to arrest both. šŸ¤”
...mmmkay, but letā€™s keep going...

IMMEDIATELY after being arrested, this hardened gang member with no record, Black snitches on everybody.

Not only does he snitch in record time, he tells the cops he has the gun HE DIDNā€™T USE and gives them permisson to search his house. šŸ˜‘
....and here comes Talcum X, fresh from working WITH THE POLICE to solve the crime, to tell us everything is ok.

Remember I told you Eric & Larry were arrested on Friday and Saturday?

How were they arrested BEFORE Scam King and the cops solved the case? šŸ¤”
...and did the names come from Shaun himself, his confidential informant or did Eric snitch on LW, as the cops claim?

...or maybe all three miraculously happened, meaning this case is now solved, right?

murder weapon, confession, niggas...this has gotta be it.
...except it isn't.

None of this makes a lick of sense and with mass attention on this case , there can't be any loose ends.

People are asking questions.

How did we go from a white man (based on witness, remember) to two Black guys nobody saw?

Where is the truck???
....now enters the MAJOR spin.

It's magic time!

Subtract one truck, four witnesses, sworn statements, descriptions and a surveillance pic.

Enter in....Thurgood Patrial and assoc establishing themselves as the arbiters of truth.
Such a relief we have them here to offer up such plausible explanation for how 4 victims and 4 independent witnesses all missed TWO shooters and all identified the wrong car that pulled up twice AND in front to shoot.

...and LOOK!

...backed by science and the NEW YORK TIMES. šŸ‘šŸ¾
...in case that's not enough, HSCO adds that it was "simply too dark" for these witnesses to really know what they were seeing.

Remember. It was 6:50 am. In winter.

Google puts the sunrise that day at 7:17 am.

Again, this requires a bit of common sense and THOUGHT.
Sunrise, unlike what the cops would like you to believe for what they say to make sense, is NOT the time it gets light outside.

It's when the sun breaks the horizon.

There's almost a full hour of light before sunrise most days. The shooting happened less than 30 mins before.
Hunters, early birds and people who've just... been outside can attest to this.

There's almost a full hour of light even during winter.

It wasn't "too dark" to see. It was not pitch black.

Victims, witnesses, shooters and cameras could SEE.
...but still the cops persist with these lies.

The real killer in the red truck is now an innocent bystander cops want to question (they never do bc they already arrested him and knew who he was).

The real killers used another car.

....where is it? Surely there's evidence.
Where is the car that these gang members used to do a pre-7am (prime time for revenge killings) drive by in?

Is there a pic?

A description from someone who saw that car there, even if they all misidentified the shooter?

Surely someone at least SAW the real car, right?
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