Do you want to repel men? Well now you can with Celia’s Patented Man-Repellant List™️

This list is compiled using my extensive research of douchecanoes & dickholes. Please adhere to the following list for maximum repelling:

1) Facial piercings, *specifically* septum piercings.
2) Any hair other than long, never cut or styled, and “natural.” UNNATURAL IS ALWAYS BEST.
3) Advanced Degrees
4) A job
5) A cat (bonus repelling for multiple cats)
6) A dog. A dog you have in place of children. A small dog.
7) The lack of desire for children
8) anything other than NATURAL makeup. Red lipstick is an obvious repellant.
9) an opinion
10) being a feminist
11) inability to make sandwiches
12) “immodest clothing” - particularly work out clothing and other such revealing clothing like pants, shirts, jeans, dresses, etc.
13) boss/manager/in charge of anything
14) Art Degree. STEM degree. A Degree.
15) over the age of 20
16) not a size double zero with double DD chest.
17) not feminine
18) cannot cook
19) single mom
20)not smiling 24/7

This list will be added to as I continue my research. You do not need to check off everything on the list to repel men. I strongly recommend, HOWEVER, checking off as many as you can for Maximum Man Repelling™️
21) Tattoos of any kind, anywhere.
22) glasses - which are both ugly and show you don’t have perfect eyesight.
23) imperfect skin
24) any cosmetic surgery/Botox/etc
25) being divorced
26) no wrinkles (ties to #15)
27) body is not completely hairless
28) would like to see a female president before you die
29) part of the she-woman man-haters cult
30) believe in reproductive rights and unrestricted access to reproductive healthcare (including abortion)
31) You think toxic masculinity is real
32) Swearing
33) Thinks the USWNT is better than the USMNT and deserves to be paid equitably
34) You are a barista
35) You tell men you don't need or care about their opinions.
36) Goes to therapy
37) Calls sexists sexist, racists racists, homophobes homophobes, etc
39) you are disabled
40) you like to have sex
41) you don’t like to have sex (especially with the repellees)
42) you use unnatural things like hormonal birth control.
43) you have a period
44) you use formula to feed your baby
45) you breastfeed in public
46) you use social media
47) you take selfies
48) talking

Guys? Dudes? I know this might seem like a time for y’all to tell us that these aren’t “repellant” but it’s really not the thread to tell us what you are or are not attracted to.

*rubs hands together*

It’s working.
49) not agreeing with everything men say exactly the way they want you to.
50) telling men they’re wrong when they’re wrong
51) being right
52) eats food in front of men
53) doesn’t eat food in front of men, but especially doesn’t eat MEAT in front of men
54) loud. Sings loudly, especially music dudes don’t like.
55) reads books
56) wearing high heels
57) not wearing high heels
58) Being angry

I have seen every. single. one. of these things said by men. A great majority of them have been said directly to me.

I am sure every single woman can say the same.
59) you don't want to debate them or have a conversation with them
60) You don't provide them with enough examples to prove your point to them
61) Saying "bro" or "bruh"
62) takes any kind of medicine for depression/anxiety/mental health
63) goes to the gym/too ripped
64) doesn't go to the gym/work out
65) has gray hair (see also #2 and #15)
66) is not APPRECIATIVE AND THANKFUL for everything men do for them
67) not submissive
68) Does not congratulate a man when they do things like cook or change a diaper or babysit their children
69) follow @OhNoSheTwitnt on Twitter (😘)
71) ignore men
72) retweets dumb shit into men’s timelines and makes their teeth ache
73) being so far off the mark
74) not making everything about men
75) painted nails/long nails/nail art
76) too many accessories/big earrings
77) works in a male dominated field and is better at your job than men
78) wears pants
79) likes the female Ghostbusters movie/Captain Marvel/etc
80) dresses TOO modestly/frumpy/comfortable
81) you tell men you don’t care about what they have to say.
82) tell men to shut up and be quiet for once in their goddamn lives
83) knows what words mean
84) calls mansplainers mansplainers
85) tells men “womansplaining” is not a thing.
86) telling men that you don’t need to wash your vagina
87) knowing the difference between vulva, vagina, uterus, clitoris, ovaries, and cervix
88) understanding the clitoris
Can you guess which numbers I’m using to repel men tonight? Couple obvious ones....
Here’s a much better no filter for all my flaws!
I love that a man saw this list of how to repel shitty men who say the things on this list and made it about how I hate men.
89) making lists on how to repel men
90) Not showing yourself below the neck in a twitter profile/avi pic
91) Being 38
You can follow @_celia_bedelia_.
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