2/The US healthcare system spends $4T per year.
3/Yet life expectancy is no where near other countries spending much less on healthcare.
4/This chart from the study shows US teen and young adult mortality has been rising since 2013.
5/The study suggests a systemic root cause cutting across demographics - it is “a broad erosion in health” and “people are feeling worse about themselves and their futures…leading them to do things that are self-destructive.”
6/The average American woman weights twice as much as the average American man 50 years ago. 40% of the US population is obese. 19% of children are obese.
7/Disease on rise:

Fatty liver
8/Despite the medical establishment’s deep interest and concern it continues to miss the elephant in the room: food.
9/The nation’s food supply has undergone a radical change in the last 20 years. Mass production techniques have resulted in ingredients, chemicals, and hormones alien to our physiology.
10/Corn is one of the key offenders wrecking havoc with our bodies. The US leads world’s corn production.
11/Corn dominates not only our primary food chain but that of the animals we eat. Corn fed cows experience digestive inflammation introducing pro inflammatory substances (e.g. lectin) into meat.
13/But it’s not just ingredients like corn. Prepackaged, mass prepared foods such as pizza are decimating the population.
14/When a populace consumes vast quantities of an artificial food like pizza, it inevitably leads to disease and death.
15/How much pizza?

In the US:

3 billion pizzas sold per year.
100 acres of pizza eaten per day.
744 calories per sitting.
15/Pizza for dinner, lunch and breakfast.
16/Dietary habits and the food industry are driving American mortality rates up. Yet physicians remain blind to this nutritional disaster.
18/Most physicians do not believe they have received adequate nutrition training if any at all. Even so, when pressed they simply spout conventional recommendations: cut meat, less eggs, more vegetables, add tofu, etc.
19/Though we’ve identified food as the systemic/root cause simply asking people to alter their food choices is not so simple.

Corn is government food: corn producers receive $2B in subsidies per year & $105B over the last 20 years. It’s everywhere. https://twitter.com/SwiftOnSecurity/status/1074810043495796736?s=20
20/Fiat foods are akin to inflationary dollars ever expanding the waistline and accruing health debt that must eventually be accounted for. We are feeding ourselves to death.
21/Bitcoin fixes this. https://twitter.com/ObiWanKenoBit/status/1105882193199394816
22/Sound money forces state actors towards sound monetary and fiscal policies. Farmers don’t choose what to grow, farmers grow what people choose to eat.
23/Instead of giving taxpayer dollars to support essentially insolvent businesses for votes, individuals become the primary drivers of agricultural markets.
24/This dynamic plays across healthcare, education, housing and any industry reliant on government subsidies or political favor. Privately organized free markets are more price and innovation efficient.
25/Bitcoin is sound money. Sound money begets sound economic principles with far reaching positive consequences. It might be hard to imagine how much will change under a Bitcoin standard. But just think of how much fiat has corrupted and you’ll understand what Bitcoin can do.
You can follow @ObiWanKenoBit.
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