Arguments with women usually devolve into ego battles because women personalise things, and when you personalise you self-identify, and when you self-identify it becomes about the preservation of ego rather than an investigation of truth.

This is why I refuse to argue with women
They will try to bait you by practising momentary detachment to appear lucid and reasonable - because their ego cannot handle the rejection of being denied the outlet to voice their grievances through "argument" - but this is all about them, there's zero value in it for you.
I only argue with people I believe can teach me something, that is to say, we are focused on solutions, and a root understanding of whatever it is we're talking about and all the possible perspectives that feed into it.

I do not care for the arrogant ire of childish rebellion.
Never argue with someone who wishes to air their grievances.

It's not an argument. It's someone leveraging a point of contention to dump all their negative emotions on you. It's an ego battle, not a rational enquiry.

Overly emotional people are unworthy of debate. Unworthy.
If you care about someone on a personal level and they want to dump their shit on you, it's up to you to decide whether you're going to enable that or not

But do not go into ego battles believing them to be forums of rational enquiry.

They aren't. Save yourself the frustration.
This is why I reject and deny about 99.9% of formal requests to debate, or underhanded attempts at provocation to pull me into conflict.

If I don't know you, and I don't respect you, I'm not arguing with you.

You have nothing to offer me. It's a shit use of my time.
"Oh you're just afraid to defend your ideas!"

No, I just don't want to waste my time and energy and patience on idiots with poor reasoning ability and excessively large egos with nothing to teach me.

I'm very practical in this way.

The ROI on the average argument is pure trash
To end on a positive note, the less you argue with people, the happier you'll be.

They'll hate you less because you're not harming their ego by trying to prove them wrong.

And you'll get to enjoy a much more peaceful and less frustrating life.

Everybody wins!
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