“findings indicated that a #STEM-centric, scaffolded approach that utilised the #scientificmethod for #reflectivepractice enabled the development of a shared understanding around #teaching and assessing reflective practice for STEM #teachers http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07294360.2016.1196653
From Crossing the Threshold:
#ReflectivePractice in Information Literacy Development comes some useful literature. http://d-scholarship.pitt.edu/28240/1/Corrall_LOEX_2016.pdf
Some interesting challenges posed in this article - Is there a place for #reflectivepractice in the #nursing #curriculum? #CriticalThinking+ ?
Exploration and confirmation of a reflective-thinking scale to measure transformative learning in online courses https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epub/10.1080/02602938.2018.1520194
Reflective Practice : Writing and Professional Development by Gillie Bolton and Russell Delderfield 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Making Sense of Critical Reflection (chapter 10) in Understanding Pedagogy: Developing a Critical Approach to Teaching and Learning by Michael Waring and Carol Evans
How can we support colleagues in their reflective writing, especially when they are new to teaching? Reflection, of the type that is required by formal professional development like PGCHEs and Fellowships, doesn’t always come naturally. https://lydiaarnold.wordpress.com/2020/12/13/enabling-reflective-writing/
Reflective Writing Guide
It explores how to write an assignment which is based upon, or includes, reflective thinking, and a range of advice
Reflective Practice: a Practical Guide from @UCDTL

Learning new techniques for teaching is like the fish that provides a meal today; reflective practice is the net that provides meals for the rest of your life. (Biggs & Tang)

Bolton with Delderfield: Reflective Practice
Here you can find a wide range of downloadable resources to extend you reflective writing.
Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher by Stephen Brookfield is a must read
8-stage process for reflective assignments - Dr Russell Delderfield
Reflecting on the process of teaching reflection in higher education article https://twitter.com/UoB_HEFi/status/1346365838237061121
Participatory and appreciative action and reflection (PAAR) as a process.
A reflective learning (r-learning) framework:
(1) Developing an appreciative gaze
(2) Reframing lived experience
(3) Building practical wisdom
(4) Ethical action and moral courage

#Thanks @chrissinerantzi for the reminder of the epic collaboration of Stephen Brookfield & @alisonrjames Engaging Imagination: Helping Students Become Creative and Reflective Thinkers.
“What is noticeably absent from this literature, however, is detailed attention to the visceral and emotional dimensions of critical reflection - to the ways it is experienced by adults in critical process as a contradictory reality, at once troubling and enticing” https://twitter.com/uob_hefi/status/1346728003250880513
Critical reflection is defined by Brookfield (1994: 204) as being comprised of three interrelated processes
1. Questioning
2. Perspective
3. Way ideas and representations are accepted
Habermas: Critical reflective knowing is neither behavioural nor technical, not truth establishing nor captured by a discipline. It critiques all other forms of knowledge, and in so doing, it moves beyond merely reproducing what is.

Four Theoretical Foundations of Critical Reflection (Stephen Brookfield, 2011, Critical Reflection paper presented at ESRC seminar, Birmingham).
The Reflective Practice Guide An Interdisciplinary Approach to Critical Reflection by @BarbaraBassot
Reflectors' Toolkit
This site is for people who want to reflect - maybe you already reflect or you have to do reflection in a course. Here you will find resources, models, and questions that can help you start your reflections as well as structuring them. https://www.ed.ac.uk/reflection/reflectors-toolkit
Developing Critical Professional Practice in Education
Ruth Pilkington & Yvon Appleby
. @LivUniAcademy chats to Dr Ruth Pilkington about the importance of reflection on practice to support the enhancement of learning and teaching. https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/the-academy/podcast/season-one/Ruth-Pilkington/
What Our Stories Teach Us : A Guide to Critical Reflection for College Faculty by Linda K. Shadiow

Reflection : Turning Experience into Learning
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