THREAD: Let’s talk about the #classstruggle &racism. When we discuss #racism, things can be uncomfortable. 1 thing that comes up in discussions about racism is: “what abt class?” #medievaltwitter #shakerace #academictwitter #antiracism #antiracist #academichatter #capitalism 1/26
In many ways this is a legitimate question, but it’s often used to deflect from discussing #race issues. Maybe we need to discuss ways in which class vs race is useful & where it’s not. Let’s have an honest chat. 2/26
There seems to be 2 main reasons that people bring up class:
1)To try and empathize with #BIPOC who experience #racism
2)To try and shield themselves from accepting their role in upholding #whitesupremacy 3/26

#classism #capitalism
There can also be a mix of those 2& there are more reasons, but those 2 stand out. The problem w/ white ppl bringing up class is that they rarely acknowledge POC (in academia or otherwise) have a greater struggle & ignores that many of us came from “ #workingclass” families too. 4
We need to recognize this intersectionality. We have black feminists to thank for helping us understand how class/gender/race are interconnected. Here’s an important read about how black women are erased written by Dr. Crenshaw @sandylocks  5/26
Basically, a WoC who comes from poverty has a greater struggle than a white woman who comes from poverty. Even more so, a white man who comes from poverty must recognize his own privilege within society. The system of inequality connected to class or poverty can be intertwined 6/
with any combo of #racism, #sexism, #homophobia, etc, but weighing race vs class is based on a false construct. Racism often operates by systemically sorting people into different socioeconomic positions, but race/racism can’t be reduced to class prejudice. 7/26
What happens when white people bring up class is it ignores/downplays PoCs lived experiences with #racism that overlap with classism for many POC (& can be compounded with #sexism/ #homophobia, etc). In society lower class white ppl have more capital than a lower class PoC. 8/26
There are 2 burdens to bear for PoC who are or grew up working class. Nothing will change until we start working together, which I think is what some of you mean when you bring up the class struggle; however, you have to recognize your privilege in this system . . . 9/26
(albeit small as it may seem) & you must stop diminishing our struggle for racial equity (sometimes not on purpose). Simply put, being poor can’t turn you into a POC but being a PoC can result in poverty.

For PoC, racism doesn't end when the wallet is full. 10/26
We still need to acknowledge the struggle and the often severe consequences as a direct result of #racism.

Have a musical interlude: #publicenemy Fight the Power: 11/26
Racial inequality has served as the scaffolding to construct a system of inequality broadly. In the US and even in the UK (more so thanks to #Brexit narratives) we cut programmes or don’t put money into health, education, etc because "undeserving others” might benefit. 12/26
Focusing on individualism & evaluating someone’s deservedness makes us all worse off (unless you’re filthy rich). What can we do once we recognize? Work together. #Capitalism isn’t our friend. Sorry. We need to figure out how that works against all of us ‘getting ahead’ or 13/26
or even surviving. This isn’t to come down on any white person who has come from poverty. This struggle can be unifying with PoC, but you have to recognize that #racism isn’t invisible &it intersects with class/poverty for PoC. 14/26
Our common enemy are those in power – the rich, the elite – the capitalists who want to demonize and use us for their gain. #capitalism Here’s a useful open access article:  15/26
Am I saying don’t bring up class? No. But when you do, as white people who grew up ‘working class’, it has to be with the recognition that you still benefit from #whitesupremacy, as little as it may seem. #racism #capitalism #marxism #socialism 16/26
In lieu of too much reading in this thread, I’ve opted for some videos. You can watch/listen while you travel, do chores, relax, jog, etc. Firstly, a short interview by @cornelwest & @richardwolff on #Capitalism & #whitesupremacy. 17/26 
You’ll need a bit more than an hour for this one. I’ve recommended @cornelwest’s book on another #antiracist reading thread, but listen to his incredible talk about #racematters here: 18/26
This video is an intro to @akalamusic’s talk about class and racism in the UK. It sheds light on how these issues or -isms intersect in areas outside of the US. This is a teaser, but he has so many excellent talks to choose from, so check them out. 19/26
Here’s a short interview by @akalamusic that gives us an overview of how racism in the US is similar to the UK. Racism drove #Brexit instead of focusing on economic, historical concerns that might have been useful in that discussion. 20/26
Look, don’t quit your jobs/feel guilty abt working in this system, making $, etc. We all have to eat. Just know that we're all learning together. None of us (PoC or not) have all the answers but learning how class&race intersect &understanding how white privilege still plays 21/
into classism is important if we are ever going to dismantle white supremacy and these oppressive capitalist driven systems that are keeping us ALL down even in academia. Keep going. #commit2change 22/26
Some music to close out! #Revolution by Arrested Develoment @ADtheBand Lyrics like this “The U.N., The U.S/ “We can't allow you/ To tell us a kid in the ghetto/ Is not as important as/ A kid in Bosnia” are still relevant. 24/26
Here's another one: Consolidated – Unity of Oppression, just as relevant today as it was in the 90s. #antiracism #capitalism #billionaireclass #academictwitter 24/26
Dedicated to @CatherineAdoyo and my other sisters and brothers of color who have to deal with #racism on a daily basis. You all keep going and doing great things. My solidarity. /26
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