1/ Convergent Paths of Gender Dysphoria. In my article, read the stories of Cindy and Adrianne. "These two cases couldn’t be more different in etiology and development across time. Yet, the symptomology looks indistinguishable when we take a snapshot at one fixed moment.
2/ Let’s look at their clinical presentation during intake:
3/ Discernment regarding symptom onset and development is crucial to ensure proper treatment for young patients. This statement seems straightforward and unremarkable. Yet most girls like Adrianne are not being carefully evaluated.
4/ When we compare the stories of Cindy and Adrianne, though they both land on an exploration of transgenderism, their arrival at gender identity originates from divergent pathways. Cindy experiences endogenous gender dysphoria despite her neutral environment,
5/ and Adrianne develops exogenous gender dysphoria derived from her environment. Over & over again, I’ve seen children who developed this exogenous form of gender dysphoria after coming to believe they are trans.
6/ Yet their presentation upon arrival in the therapist or doctor’s office is taken at face value, and they are immediately reassured, “your identity is valid.”
7/ Social transition, puberty suppression, cross-sex hormone administration, and even surgery, are often hastily encouraged by the doctors and clinicians responsible for exercising careful discernment.
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