Trans Activism is Anti-Trans Acceptance.

Like it or not, we live in a society. We have rules and norms about acceptable behavior. We form society through social contract. By following the oft unwritten rules of acceptable behavior, we indicate to the other members...
of society that we accept our place in the contract that allows everything to work.

There is leeway, and generally someone can not conform to some of those requirements, as long as they still act in a manner that still indicates acceptance of at least some of their...

Obviously... the more non-conforming cues you give off, the more the rest of society begins to give you some side-eye.

Luckily, these indicators of conformance are somewhat negotiable, and evolve naturally over time.
For example, tattoos are far more acceptable today than they were a few decades ago.

LGBT people are more accepted.

How has this been achieved? Despite what the activists will claim, it largely has not been acquired through cracking skulls and smashing society.
It has been achieved through people being humanized, sharing their stories, letting people get to know them. By proving that these traits do not inhibit their ability to be productive contributing members of society.
By proving that these particular non-conformances do not represent a rejection of the social contract, instead, showing that these people accept and respect the contract and are willing to shoulder the responsibility of building and maintaining society.
It has been shown that these things do not represent a threat to society, that we can live as we choose without infringing upon others.

Now, unfortunately... that activism has changed. We now threaten people's jobs, take them to court over a word, challenged their rights to...
think freely, say that Free Speech isn't Free.

We demand the seat at the head of the table, access to their children, access to their rape/DV shelters, their bathrooms, their change rooms, every place that we are not welcomed is an affront to our very existence.
We've gone from proving we can live alongside, to demanding they move aside for our comfort.

Conform to the minority, or face the consequences.

This is not how one shows respect for the responsibilities of the social contract.
This is how we prove that we cannot be trusted to behave civilly and within the bounds of society.

This is terrible for LGBT acceptance. As terribly as many men may treat women... they do so love playing the white knight when an external threat is perceived.
As my abusive father used to tell my mother... "You're lucky you have someone like me to protect you from the really bad people".

We are the external, we are the other. This push into women's spaces makes us the external threat.
We provide the justification for our own eventual persecution, the perfect excuse for our own discrimination.

Women may be "lesser" than men in social reality, but so are we. We are not neccesary for society to continue, women are. Push comes to shove, men will gladly...
exorcise us from society.

And no, not all. But that is scant solace to those who will be trampled.

We need to be contributing and connecting, not attempting to push down the majority to conform to our whims. We achieve acceptance through integration into and contribution...
to society.

Trans activism is perfectly designed to show we cannot do so.
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