Today is the 247th Punyatithi of Madhavrao Peshwa.

He accomplished so much in a short span of 12 years, taking over at the age of 16, after Panipat, and after the death of his father Nanasaheb Peshwa.

Stabilizing the Maratha Empire amidst so many internal and external threats.
Madhavrao successfully confronted the Nizam, Hyder Ali, British and consolidated Maratha Empire in the north. In less than a decade after Panipat, Marathas had regained supremacy at Delhi.

He achieved all this while facing an internal power struggle (uncle) and a failing health.
Even while constantly facing the internal power struggle with Raghunathrao (uncle), he assembled a great leadership team of Mahadji Shinde, Holkars and others, along with Nana Phadnavis (who later held the empire together for over two decades...)
"The plains of Panipat were not more fatal to the Maratha Empire than the early end of this excellent prince"

- British Historian Grant Duff, summarizing Madhavrao's achievements and the impact of his early death on the Maratha Empire.

Madhavrao died of TB at the age of 28.
"Madhavrao’s far seeing eye had mastered the situation in the north. He warned his chiefs against allowing the English to enter Delhi. At the same time, he asked them whether they had done anything to obtain the possession of the cities of Kashi and Mathura and Prayag..."
"Marathas now moved to Delhi... They then offered to bring Shah Alam II to Delhi and reinstate him... The capture of Delhi along with the old Maratha posts in the doab meant they had taken back the territories lost in the wake of Panipat in 1761. " (in less than 10 years)
"In short tenure and the even shorter life of Madhavrao, his admin & military skills were the reason Maratha state could rebuild its strength after the debacle of Panipat. Never before had a Peshwa met challenges on a nation-wide scale and overcome the odds in such a short time."
"Madhav rao, seriously ill at this stage, realised that most of his objectives had been completed and the Maratha flag had once again begun to flutter over most of the country. The end was not far however…and dictating a nine-point Will to his confidante Nana Phadnis..."
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