You offen have to descend the local peak for any hope at all at ascending toward what may be the global peak. People seem bad at this, unless they start early and develop a taste for it. So I recommend cultivating the requisite humility and status masochism while you still can
Just know that your successes pigeon-hole you a lot more effectively than your failures, and if you can survive a string of failures you're less edible to the various hierarchies you'll encounter than if you present with a string of successes + hidden & unconfronted insecurities
I came up with these tweets and many like them while dancing, alone, in the foyer of my chapel. So I recommend that, too. And take lots of leisurely baths, or at least hot, leisurely showers
The most necessary realizations your capable mind can deliver emerge from love, what some call self-love, but that's ambiguated beyond usability. There's no rote path there, you have to seduce yourself for the rest of your life, and for that you have to make the time & space
I know I'm making myself illegible to some, but I don't know a better way to say it: if you don't make yourself someone *you'll* follow to the ends of the earth, something else will seduce you, easily, with whatever crumbs. And if you do, others will follow, too.
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