what you want out of a relationship based on your fave ship:

namkook: you just want someone to continue to give you their valuable respect & admiration despite the fact that you suspect you're a hormonal embarrassment with clown shoes on.
sope: you know that moment when an older couple, one says, "watch, Mabel will hate this" and they tell a terrible joke, truly medically embarrassing, and she groans & then smiles wide & laughs & smacks them? that.
jinmin: the dynamic of two extroverted improv performers who are undyingly supportive & simultaneously wholly trying to make each other break. The most stressful argument you ever want to have is WHICH of you Ke$ha means by: "the party don't start 'till I walk in.'"
vope: god you just want a Carpenters song, is that so much to ask. just the entirety of Top Of The World, shot in vintage sepia tones. Also endless shopping dates. And oh, also for someone to be able to call you out on your bullshit, but keep it magical.
namjin: all you want is such complete & grounding trust in each other that it makes everyone else physically ill. You are the couple who will GO on a meditative couples retreat, & get kicked out of said retreat for laughing uncontrollably when someone farts during yoga.
namgi: the most romantic thing anyone could do for you is stick around to help you clean up the party. They just show up with a garbage bag, and start washing plates and you can visualize the grostesquely sappy anniversary card you will faithfully, annually write them.
Jikook: you don't want to be *nagged* but like...it doesn't feel right unless the gloves are off a LITTLE. you're a paradox, you want complete honesty, and a soft hand to patch it up. You're a charcuterie board of high-quality cold cuts & fruit gushers. It weirdly works.
Taegi: literally no one wants to discuss your unshakeable belief in how hot "going to therapy" is. You have kintsugi on a Pinterest board. You've answered "what are you looking for in a partner" with: "catharsis" before pausing & adding "...and a sweet butt."
Jihope: you find 'professionally choreographed our first dance' romantic, to a personal mix of "'omg they were roOMmaTEs,' feat. Motivation, Ain't No Mountain, Dontcha, & For Good." jealousy-creating = hot, you're living proof of "if you can't beat the hottest person, join them."
Yoonjin: you can imagine nothing more romantic than someone "perpetually matching your commitment to a low-stakes bit." You'll argue that a feminist reading of the Taming of the Shrew means Petruchio & Kate flip off society together. You believe laughing AT someone is hot.
Namseok: Awkward first kisses make you bLUSH. You've been known to say: "gift-giving isn't my love language if I just like to GIVE gifts, right?" You believe "shade" is massively overrated as a concept. You absolutely have entertained the idea of a marriage pact w/your bestie.
Taekook: you need someone with the enthusiasm to win Best Couple costume for Halloween EVERY YEAR. Play-wrestling is the highest form of romance. You want declarations of love SO personalized, they're unintelligible to others. "but WHY is he going to punch a shark in the nose?"
Minjoon: why do people keep talking up "mutual respect" when "mutual adoration" is RIGHT THERE. True love is pushing someone's buttons until they smile tiredly & kiss you on the nose. The best way to know you're attracted is "I spent 4 hrs talking with them about...everything."
2seok: dramatic gestures are love. Ppl who say your fave club bangers like "Telephone" can't be "your songs" bcse they're "break-up songs" don't understand strong relationships OR divas. Also if your spouse isn't working to bring you the best worst pick-up lines what is the POINT
Vmon: you secretly believe the best love confession is if they find it, hidden in your artwork. You find obscure poets for Insta captions. You believe "star-crossed" is more romantic than "soulmates." The most romantic pairing you hope for is creative collaboration.
taejin: what's the obscure german word for: "you yearn for someone to be overwhelmed by you, but not let that stop them from meeting you there & pushing you further."

who says powerplay & cuddles are mutually exclusive? (you may have worried a friend or two w/your playlists.)
yoonmin: you want someone who pushes you to be the best you can be, AND lets you eat cheetos & complain loudly. you kinda love it when the really nice kid says something petty. 150% support insta for pets. your love language is: mutual running commentary on funny pics.
junghope: love is a commitment to mutual shenanigans so ridiculous it makes people step back & say "do you...need supervision? wait you ARE the adults." Gently bullying each other into health. BACKRUBS. The # of pets is non-negotiable. You don't talk feelings, you DO feelings.
yoonkook: it's not that you can recreate your first love, it's that you're a goner for someone who holds fragile things gently. Making playlists for each other is vital communication. Low-level pranking each other while introducing each other to new things. "brat" as petname.
jinkook: the strongest bond is btwn a shonen protagonist & their loyal friend, who winks & says "it's us against the world, kid." love is keeping track of your random competitions & understanding it MATTERS. (it's secretly holding hands thru every disney movie & stealing kisses)
vmin: listen. if fairytales were awful, there wouldn't be so many of them. ALL you're looking for is mutual affirmation SO strong it defies logic, physics, & the concept of "we are in PUBLIC." You truly believe no love is wasted, as it changes you for the better. also butt-grabs.
(bonus: ot7: you look less at WHO someone is, then HOW they treat others. emotional intelligence > status. you save sweet notes/pics from friends, & have too much stationary? Love is in celebrating its every facet, because it's bigger than tiny things like time zones or borders.)
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