Thread: Here is a comprehensive fact pack on the 50 occasions over the last 42 years that Jeremy Corbyn pro-actively took a lead to defeat Antisemitism. Help the truth be heard.
1.Corbyn organises Apr 1977 defence of Jewish-populated Wood Green from a neo-Nazi march.
2.EDM 987, Corbyn campaigned to protect Jewish cemetery from sale to property developers.
3.EDM 3933, 7 Nov 1990: Corbyn denounced the rise of anti-Semitic publications.
4.EDM 356, 25 June 1992, Corbyn censures a Holocaust denier, warning antisemitism is on rise
5.EDM 435, 6 July 1992, JC slammed Rupert Murdoch for paying £83,000 for Goebbels Diaries
6.EDM 706, 2 Nov. 1992, Corbyn is main sponsor on a motion condemning the National Front for insulting Holocaust victims by laying wreaths at the cenotaph
7.EDM 1474, 25 Feb. 1993, Jeremy signed a motion condemning rise of Nazism in Huntingdon
8.EDM 1364, 21 June 1994, Jeremy Corbyn expresses fear antisemitism is on the rise
9.EDM 1413, 29 June 1994, Corbyn signed a motion calling on the Director of Public Prosecutions to do more to tackle antisemitism
10.EDM 634, 11 April 2000: Corbyn denounces David Irving for being a Holocaust denier.
11.EDM 1124, 6 Nov 2000: Corbyn signs motion paying tribute to ‘British Schindler’, Bill Barazetti, for saving the lives of Jewish children in World War II.
12.EDM 742, 28 Jan 2002: Corbyn praises football clubs commemorating Holocaust Memorial Day.
13.EDM 1233, 30 April 2002: Corbyn is primary sponsor of a motion condemning antisemitic vandalism of Finsbury Park Synagogue
14.May 2002: Corbyn helps organise vigil for Finsbury Park Synagogue after antisemitic attack.
15.EDM 1691, 23 July 2002: Corbyn denounces attack on a synagogue in Swansea.
16.EDM 123, 26 Nov 2003: Corbyn condemns attacks on two synagogues in Istanbul.
17.EDM 461, 21 January 2004: Corbyn signs motion condemning the French government’s moves to ban religious symbols—including the Jewish kippa—in French schools.
18.EDM 646, 23 February 2004: Corbyn lambasts the annual rise in antisemitic incidents.
19.EDM 717, 26 February 2004: Corbyn signs motion praising Simon Wiesenthal for bringing Nazi perpetrators of the Holocaust to justice.
20.EDM 1613, 8 September 2004: Corbyn co-sponsors motion expressing concern over the future of the United Synagogue Pension Scheme.
21.EDM 1699, 11 Oct 2004: Corbyn signs motion condemning arbitrary attacks on civilians in both Israel and Palestine.
22.EDM 343, 16 June 2005: Corbyn censures the desecration of a Jewish cemetery in West Ham.
23.EDM 1774, 8 Mar 2006: Corbyn signs motion condemning an Iranian newspaper for soliciting cartoons about the Holocaust.
24.EDM 1267, 16 Apr 2006: Corbyn condemns Bryan Ferry for antisemitic remarks.
25.EDM 2414, 26 June 2006: Corbyn praised war veterans for efforts to combat the Holocaust
26.EDM 2705, 10 Oct 2006: Corbyn marks the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Cable Street.
27.EDM 271, 14 Nov 2007: Corbyn co-sponsors motion urging further efforts to address poverty and social exclusion in the Jewish community of East London.
28.EDM 1453, 12 May 2008: Corbyn salutes the memory of the Jewish heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.
29.EDM 2350, 27 Oct 2008: Corbyn marks the 70th anniversary of Kristallnacht.
30.EDM 605, 27 Jan 2009: Corbyn welcomes action against antisemitism on university campuses.
31.EDM 917, 26 Feb 2009: Corbyn signs motion condemning antisemitism on the internet.
32.EDM 1175, 24 March 2009: Corbyn pays tribute to British citizens who rescued Jewish people during the Holocaust.
33.EDM 2145 22 Oct. 2009 Corbyn condemns BBC for giving air time to ‘holocaust denying’ BNP
34.EDM 337, 2 December 2009: Corbyn signs motion condemning discrimination against minorities, including Jews, in Iran.
35.EDM 850, 9 February 2010: Corbyn calls for investigation into antisemitism on Facebook.
36.EDM 891, 22 February 2010: Corbyn urges UK Gov to re-settle Yemeni Jews in Britain.
37.EDM 908, 27 Oct 2010: Corbyn pays tribute to the late-Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin
38.EDM 1527, 3 Mar 2011: Corbyn condemns the antisemitic remarks of John Galliano.
39.EDM 2870, 14 Mar 2012: Corbyn condemns the sale of Nazi memorabilia in Bristol.
40.EDM 2866, 14 Mar 2012: Corbyn co-sponsors motion condemning antisemitism in Latvia.
41.EDM 2899, 20 Mar 2012: Corbyn condemns an attack on a Jewish school in Toulouse.
42.EDM 168, 12 June 2012: Corbyn denounces antisemitism in Polish & Ukrainian football
43.EDM 195, 13 June 2012: Corbyn co-sponsors motion calling on the BBC to reverse its decision to drop a Jewish community programme (‘Jewish Citizen Manchester’) from its schedule.
44.EDM 1133, 1 Mar 2013: Corbyn signs motion condemning antisemitism in sport.
45.1 October 2013: Corbyn is one of the few MPs to publicly defend the late-Ralph Miliband from Daily Mail antisemitism.
46.June 2015: Corbyn participates in ceremony to commemorate the founding of the North London Synagogue in Islington.
47.EDM 165, 22 June 2015: Corbyn denounces a neo-Nazi rally planned for Golders Green, where many Jews live, and calls for protection of local residents.
48. 25 June 2015: Corbyn led calls for counter-demo in defence of Jewish residents in GoldersGreen. Neo-Nazi march re-routed
49.9 Oct 2016: Corbyn, close to tears, leads commemoration of the Battle of Cable Street.
50.3 Dec 2016: Corbyn visits Terezín concentration camp to commemorate Holocaust victims.
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