⚡️⚡️Thoughts about 11 - a thread ⚡️⚡️
People with 11s or who are Life Path 11 are very good at seeing through BS. They are also well qualified to come up with some premium-grade BS of their own. 11s have a vivid imagination, it is the purest visionary of all the numbers. The saint & sinner, madman & genius in one.
Number 11 brings enhanced intuition/psychic ability & read energy extremely well. The figure of the 11 is like two antennae, picking up vibrations from everywhere - this dimension and ones outside of it! 11s will always know when someone is not being genuine.
11 people have very curious minds. They are not afraid to question everything, or to explore unconventional ideas and ways of being. Originality is very important to 11s, and so is authenticity. There is something of the rock star about the 11 -this number draws attention to you!
11 can be prone to overindulgence in an attempt to take the edge off their extreme sensitivity. 11s also like to be wild & crazy sometimes, because the number 11 puts a wild & crazy rebellious streak within you! 11 people always live by their own rules.
Life Path 11 can be like walking a tightrope: the highs are high and the lows are low, and a lot of the time you might feel like you're at the circus! Life can often feel surreal when 11 is around.
11 is said to be the strongest Master Number. It has the power of two number 1s together, which is a truly formidable force & because those 1s combine to make a 2, the 11 has both modes of being at its disposal: the dual energy of the 1 and the 2 combined.
11s can act as though they are born to lead, just like a number 1. They have the same force of personality and ability to make others trust and believe in them as the 1. The influence of the 2 energy that is brought with the 11 makes you a great peacemaker.
1s can be very much about what they want and not so concerned with others, whereas 11 vibrates to the most selfless aspects of the number 2, and turns that on its head to be so concerned with others, that they often neglect to take care of themselves.
The figure of the 11 can look like a channel or a bridge, and as a Life Path 11 you will act as both of those things, time and again. 11s love to be able to exercise their wisdom and bring illumination to others.
11 people have the potential to use their ability to channel & capacity to feel deep compassion for others by applying themselves to a healing/energy work discipline. This will also help with the seesaw of emotions that 11s tend to experience, bringing about much needed balance.
Commitment to a particular path or modality, or devotion to a specialist subject can be a real grounding influence for 11s who can be prone to spending much of their time so high in the ether. 11s are here to beam good down into the world via those two 1s standing side by side.
11s will often go through a lot in their lives - it's all part of your Higher Self's mission for you to learn as much as you can. 9 is the number of all things in numerology and I find 9 and 11 to be similar energies in many ways, even though they are very different numbers too.
11 is a Master Number & the Master Numbers encapsulate the qualities of the single digit numbers, then takes their expression to an even higher degree of mastery within this game we call life: hence the name Master Numbers.
11 can be as extremist in its ways as the 9, as determined to feel, see, touch, taste and believe in everything there is to experience. Where they differ is that the number 9 tends to want all of this experience for the sake of their art - whatever they consider their art to be.
Everything an 11 does is for their soul: that's why there's no distinction for the 11 between mundane life and spiritual life; no separation between the principles you hold yourself to in your everyday interactions & the ones you have in your heart when you talk to God/Creator.
The Master 11 brings visionary qualities to the personality. 11 wants to save the world and help everyone they possibly can.
The 2 that 11 reduces to is a helpful soul, as 2 loves to be useful, and Master 11 will take this even further and is willing to give their all to be of service - but only to a cause that they find utterly worthy.
11 is a complex energy and 11 people tend to be independent and often eccentric in their thinking. Whilst 2 can be reserved, the 11 is not afraid to make a stand on what they believe to be right, even if it makes them unpopular.
11 people will often find that their intuition speaks very loudly to them, and could make very good energy workers, psychics, mediums, Tarot readers, astrologers etc.
The wisdom of the 11 comes from the fact that it understands the interaction and union of opposites. 11 is known as a number of enlightenment and as a great visionary, it sees things & appreciates aspects to life and situations which others easily miss.
11 can see an issue or situation from all sides (& above & below!) and will be completely fair when making a judgement. Strong ethics, principles and morals are important to 11 people.
11s are not necessarily religious as they like to be free-thinking and follow their own beliefs and practises. The 11 gives extraordinary sensitivity & many 11s find that they are able to communicate easily with spirit or other unseen forces, to obtain guidance and healing.
11 can sometimes be frightened by its own power, but the trick to mastering your self-confidence and being able to bring forth your gifts into the world, is to have a solid foundation of discipline - in both your spiritual life and your everyday life, which should be 1 & the same
11 never loses its zest for life and retains a youthful outlook. This number has its own unique way to keep its finger on the pulse.
11s have their own unique way of doing everything. 11 people know how to trust their instincts - or rather, they don't know how not to trust them.
Not all of the brilliant ideas an 11 has will work out as planned, and the 'mad scientist' element of this number's complex make up can lead to explosive mishaps at times.
Those on an 11 Life Path or with 11s in their name numerology like to experiment in all areas, and can be so long-sighted in aims and vision, they miss obstacles that could trip them up in the short term.
11 can have issues with stability and consistency - not that they are flaky, it's more that their energy is prone to wavering. As an 11 influenced person, your energy levels can ebb and flow quite wildly between extremes.
Some days, 11s will make you feel as though you could take on the world, so you may attempt to and then get so worn out, you need time to recuperate and rebalance yourself. The 11 is a peculiar mix of the robust and the delicate, and your constitution will reflect this.
11s are complex in that they care very much about other people, and they can be quite fragile in their emotions when it comes to relationships, but at the same time, 11s are not afraid to go against the grain even when they run the risk of alienating those closest to them.
This is where the line can become blurred between necessary and desirable honesty, and the 11's penchant for self-sabotage. But there are many blurred lines with 11 - transcendence of boundaries is an 11 theme, related to the 2 energy it has which is always drawn towards unity.
11 is able to dissolve its boundaries like the 2 can, to throw its lot in completely with someone else and be a totally devoted spouse/lover/partner/friend. 2 is a very caring number by nature, and the 2 in its Master 11 form will literally have your back to the end of eternity.
11s can seem eccentric, strange and even downright crazy to others. The extremes of mood which 11s transition through can make them seem fickle, but the truth is there aren't many more loyal than 11 (or 2) people when it comes to those they consider to be part of their 'tribe'.
11 is a combination of 1 and 2 energy, with some 11 energy all its own for good measure, and this can be a source of conflict within the personality. Number 1 is a naturally bold number, 1 people are usually popular and enjoy socialising and meeting new people.
2s on the other hand, can be shy until they are comfortable and have got to know someone a little - but then once you do make friends with a 2, it can be hard to shut them up!
The contrary aspect of the 11 means that sometimes they feel this way... & sometimes they feel that way, depending on their mood on any given day.. or minute!
This makes perfect sense to the 11 person themselves, as they are accustomed to their own internal currents and tides, the ripples and whims they have, and the emotional deeps and shallows they go through, but they are often misunderstood by others.
11s are full of compassion for their fellow man (and animals too!) but it is also an energy that can come across as intimidating to others, who sense that there is a lot going on beneath the surface.
11s are highly self-protective because they have so much tender sensitivity which can feel as though it needs to be defended. Actually this sensitivity is your greatest personal strength, and the intuitions of an 11 will rarely fail them - you are an excellent judge of character.
11s can usually judge straight away if someone can be trusted or not. But because they have such refined perceptive abilities, your reactions at times may be a little hare-trigger and seem irrational to others.
An 11 will sense something is off straight away, but their rational mind will be unable to identify precisely what, and while this internal debate goes on, they will appear distracted, grumpy or just plain vacant.
11 people will often find themselves having little 'pause' moments where they readjust their inner thoughts, feelings and energy to the outer situation at hand.
Other numbers whisper about how to master their themes, but when you try to get closer to the 11, it dances wildly and brings forth visions of rolling oceans waves, epic sunrises over placid lakes, or storms with thunder and lightning that rips through an electrified indigo sky.
This kind of high-voltage, force of nature, grand-scale event energy is what 11 is all about. When you feel the beauty of looking at images of the galaxy, or contemplating the vastness of space, or the view from the top of a snow-capped mountain - this is 11 energy.
11 draws its inspiration from the extremes of life and if an 11 person does any kind of art, they will be inspired by both the lowest of lows they have experienced, and also by their connection to the Most High - whatever that represents for them.
Enlightenment is what the 11 is really here for, and they may have deep and abiding beliefs and philosophies to live by, but they will be their own, not prescribed by a religion.
The 11 tendency to look at things with a wide lens and to consider a broad range of viewpoints comes into play very much with how they approach matters of spirituality and faith.
The most abiding centre-point in an 11's inner life should be their own intuition - the inner teachings that are coming through to them directly from the Universe.
11s are naturally very psychically 'tuned in' and are able to communicate telepathically with those they are close to.
11s are empaths who are constantly taking in and assessing, then rebalancing the energies within their environments. This can be very tiring and as an 11 you must make sure to get adequate rest, look after yourself well and practise good energy hygiene.
11 has a self-destructive streak which can need to be curbed. The selfishness of the 1 energy that 11 carries can mean that they are not afraid to say things which might hurt other people's feelings. Sometimes these things need to be said, but 11 can be their own worst enemy.
The penchant 11 has for drama and spectacle, doing things on a big scale, can work in the negative when tiny disagreements or misunderstandings get blown out of proportion.
11 can have a very quick temper, but the balancing influence of the 2 that 11 "lives down" to is a good foil for this.
This is an important thing for 11s to remember that as well as living up to the Master number vibration, in this case the visionary and compassionate qualities of the 11, you can also live down to the single digit vibration of the Master number - for 11, the number 2 as 1+1 = 2.
2 is much more laidback than the 11, more relaxed and keener to go with the flow. Sometimes the 2 energy is much-needed for 11 people to allow them to recuperate - from being themselves!
11 is a number which brings psychic or mediumistic tendencies, it offers visionary gifts and to have this as an Early Lesson number means this was relevant to your childhood, or an important part of your experiences growing up.
All children have strong intuition and gifts of clear-seeing, it is only as we grow older that we are conditioned to disregard these instincts, unless we are extremely lucky in our upbringing.
Early Lesson number of 11/2 may indicate being brought up in such a supportive household, or that you had someone in the family or a friend who you could turn to & talk about the "weird" things you felt & saw & thought about, the gifts and sensitivity you were becoming aware of.
As Master 11 also carries the 2 vibration it reduces to, this number relates to 2's themes of communication & partnerships.

2 influenced people can be shy & have trouble speaking up for themselves, & Master 11 can sometimes be surprisingly fragile in terms of confidence, too.
11 is composed of two number 1s so it has a double dose of 1 energy.

As you would expect, 1 is the opposite of 2.

1 leads, 2 follows. 1 talks, 2 listens.
1 is a bold, forthright number that craves independence and needs constant new experiences, new sensations and new projects to get stuck into.

2 is contemplative and calm, whereas 1 prefers action over careful thought.
To be on a Number 11 Lifepath invites you to master both of these ways of being: learn how to love and focus your energies on yourself and your own success and life plans (the 1 energy), whilst also learning to balance this with your responsibilities towards others.
11 is very good at getting carried away and this includes in love and relationships, as well as practically anything else! Many 11s (& 2s) deal with boundary issues & 11s especially have difficulty with knowing when to stop.
There is an escapist tendency to the 11 and while you can be very self-sufficient and independent in your nature (from the 1 side of the 11) you can also be tempted to completely throw your lot in with your partner, like a true number 2, and completely blend your identity.
11s have great emotional depth, but can also be unstable and thus prone to unhealthy situations of codependence.

Self-sacrifice and martyrdom can also be an issue for an off-balance 11 (& number 2 people as well).
Those with 11 care deeply about making an impact in the life of others. This number is highly sensitive with mediumistic qualities and strong intuition, and it is likely you will heed the Master number call to do something good with your life for other people, as well as yourself
A big part of the balancing act that 11 must pull off is to balance the self vs. others conflict. You must come to terms with & master the alchemy of living on a dual energy, of the 1 and the 2 combined.
Life Path 11 is truly a high-wire tightrope act! Out of the madness can come a lot of magic too ✨🌈

11s are naturally attuned to the higher side of life and will receive guidance from Spirit in some way, whether they recognise it as such or not.
The number 11 itself can be thought of as a pair of antennae, directed up towards the Cosmos where 11 knows the truth resides - "as above, so below" is a quote that will resonate with 11s.
11 influenced people do not care about being thought of as eccentric or different, in fact they would revel in it!

11 likes to be different and will stick up for outsiders, the underdog, anyone they feel is a misfit or "othered" in some way.
The core meaning of 11 relates to enlightenment - of self, and then sharing your light and wisdom with others.

11 is the most visionary number.
While the Master number 22 is exceedingly long-sighted with its future planning, it doesn't have the poetic and intuitive powers of vision and imagination that 11 possesses. The idea that "everything you can imagine is real," is close to the heart of 11s.
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