2/ As explained in the article, one of the Inaugural Ball's that took place on Jan 20th 2017, was the Asian Pacific American Presidential Inaugural Gala. It was organized by "Cliff" Zhonggang Li, Executive Director of the Asian GOP , a Republican Party organization
3/ Cindy Yang was a member of the South Florida branch of the Asian GOP & was one of their major fund raisers for the Republican Party. Cindy is pictured here in the red coat, Cliff Zhonggang Li is 2nd from the left. Important to note, Yang's speciality was raising money for GOP
4/ Here is Cindy & Cliff at the Inaugural Ball. The tickets for this Ball were a fundraising vehicle for the GOP, & they weren't cheap. The major contributor to this Ball was Imperial Pacific International LLC, who are the Chinese owners of the Saipan Casino the FBI raided
5/ Asian GOP is a ChiCom front utilizing Chinese Americans to achieve Beijing's goals. Group's like Peaceful Reunification of China are Chinese funded propaganda units. And they all turned up to the Ball. Fun Fact ; none of the contributions that night were reported to the FEC
6/ Not only did the Asian GOP not report the fundraising they did that night at the Inaugural Ball to the FEC , but it appears they do not have non-profit status set-up with the IRS. So no reporting, & they have a shitload of cash coming in from a Chinese owned Saipan casino
7/ So now we get to Governor of the Marianas, which includes Saipan Island, Ralph Torres. Torres was one of the first Governor's to endorse Trump in 2016. In April 2017 Torres met with Trump & arranged a visa waiver program that was only going to be available to Chinese citizens
8/ Now I don't know why the FBI raided Gov Torres office yesterday, but I suspect your family getting millions off a Chinese Casino operation ,may have something to do with it. Given Torres links to Trump & Beijing, it could be a number of things. We will have to wait & see
9/ If Governor Torres does get charged by the FBI , it will not look good for Trump. Torres is Trump's Asia Pacific advisor from the 2016 Campaign
10/ Some of Governor Torres friends have shady past's. Alex Sablan is VP of a private company, but he holds a number of Govt positions. And why wouldn't his company link back to Abramoff, but of course !!
11/ So back to Cindy Yang. @MiamiHerald has constructed a useful interactive map of Yang & the Chinese nationals/Chinese Americans she was connecting to Mar a Lago for "photo opportunities". Remember, Yang was a fundraiser. Why did some of these events cost so much?
12/ Cindy Yang's skills were obviously highly prized. The more one examines what Yang was doing, the more her Mar a Lago functions look like a cover for illegal fundraising from Chinese nationals into the coffers of the Republican Party & Trump's campaign warchest
13/ Chinese Influence operations also appear to be on Yang's menu at Mar a Lago. For example, Shanjie Li (who appears on Miami Herald's interactive map) attended breakfasts that Yang arranged at Mar a Lago with various Trumpworld figures. Face time happened at these events
14/ Shanjie Li, if you go back and read his bio, is a member of United Front, China's premier worldwide intel/influence operation. Li had also previously worked for the Chinese Govt. He now runs a high end Real Estate company selling to Chinese, that also arranges EB5 visas
15/ If you want to know more about the particular branch of China's United Front Shanjie Li is serving with, open the screen below to view a excerpt from Australian Parliamentary documents explaining Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the nefarious body he's on
16/ It's interesting to note that the same methods used by the Chinese to illegally push money into the US political system (use of naturalized citizens to "straw donate", use events & functions that require "payment" for services as cover for donation) are also used by Russia
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