Basically - "What does a woman offer to a relationship other than the honey pot?"

Fair question.

Again my own personal perspective. I do not speak for ALL women.


I’ve had this conversation many times and I always seem to come back to what our initial God given purpose was.

I hate to bring the Bible into this because I’m fully aware that the Bible isn’t something everyone follows.

And I know it doesn’t really fit in with our modern feminized society so many will probably get into their feelings about it.

In any case though....

I believe that a woman’s value when it comes to what she offers to a relationship or a marriage, always rests in taking on a supportive role for her husband - a help mate.

However, a quick look around the world today, allows us to see women filling a variety of roles that reflects her value: mothers, daughters, wives, judges, teachers, missionaries, lawyers, corporate leaders, journalists, and more.

We have a lot to offer. Even in the Bible, we find variety in roles women fill as well. But our initial purpose and the reason we were created was to be your supportive helpmate.

I often ask Men what feminine qualities do men need?

I know I’m not a Man but every single one I’ve spoken to on this level has expressed to me their appreciation for as well as how they find these characteristics valuable in a woman:

Thoughtfulness: there are elements of nurturing, care and consideration when it comes to a woman sincerely and genuinely being thoughtful. Not only to him but to his children, his family, maybe even his friends.

Beauty, empathy, vulnerability, responsiveness - these are all feminine characteristics that men find attractive and “valuable” in a potential mate. Especially with empathy b/c this exists when a woman sees someone else suffering, relates to their pain, and tries to ease it -

- even if the only easing available is mutual understanding. It shows that you will be loving and supportive when hard times inevitably arise.

Feminine energy is kryptonite for Men.

Men thrive when they have a woman by their side that encourages, respects, supports and is intelligent on top of all of that. Intelligence plays a big part in my opinion. Men are strongly drawn to smart women for the same reason they are drawn to her femininity,

11/ is a sign she will be smart enough to take good care of his children.

Look, I know a lot of Men are discouraged by what is happening between the genders, and I don’t fault them for that.

It's important though to remember that we have value beyond just spreading our legs (a rhetoric I see very often in this community).

Our value rests in taking on a supportive role for our husbands/partners - a help mate.

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