Midterm elections were a year ago today.

While I dreamed of Arizona being the 38th state to #RatifyERA, Virginia is poised to become the final state.

The difference? A democratic majority in the state legislature.
(THREAD 1/15) https://twitter.com/AthenaSalman/status/1058048693293576192
Once it was clear that #ERA wasn’t going to get a hearing, we motioned for a floor vote on #EqualPayDay.

Rep. @P2Hannley told fellow lawmakers, “Let’s make history. There is no time limit on equality."

Instead, the Republicans killed the motion. /5
Realizing there were limited options left, @erataskforceaz organized the 38 Mile March for the ERA that highlighted at every mile the need for equal rights for women.

The demonstration went on to win awards, but still the republicans blocked the #ERA. /8
I even received a homemade pastry that day with a message urging me to kill the #ERA.

It was disturbing to see the opposing side pay homepage to a time when women’s freedom were restricted, from the property they could own to the employment they could seek. /9
@AZHouseDems tried for a vote one more time in April.

"This year, the #ERA didn't even get assigned to committee. The majority party has literally taken women a step backwards in the process,” I said.

Unsurprisingly, the motion failed on party lines. /10 https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/arizona-democrats-give-the-era-one-more-push-11271623
It’s not simply “men” who are blocking the passage of the ERA. In fact, just like Phyllis Schlafly in the 1970s, there are women today in AZ like Senate Pres. Karen Fann & Cathi Herrod who have actively worked to block equality for 171 million women in the US. /11
While a tiny slither of Republicans may support Equal Rights Amendment, the Party removed support from its platform in 1980.

Conservative opposition to equal rights has grown over the last 40 years as I have seen firsthand in my time at the capitol. /12 https://www.equalrightsamendment.org/the-equal-rights-amendment
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said, “I would like my granddaughters when they pick up the Constitution, to see that notion — that women & men are persons of equal stature — I’d like them to see that is a basic principle of our society.”

We deserve nothing less. /END
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