Gbosa!!! That was the sound of the thunderous slap that landed on my face. All I wanted to do was cry but I couldn't even force a tear if I wanted to, my pride wouldn't allow me.

...I couldn't even explain why I went against my instincts about not going anywhere that unfaithful evening. If I had stayed home in my room jejely, I wouldn't be an object of example.
Let me give you guys the full gist...
It happened that Toyin, my very close friend been having issues with her boyfriend(almost fiance) for a while and one way or the other I'm always the one that gets to advise her on what to do as per special adviser😆(hoping someday it'll be my turn to reap d fruit of my labour)
although asides the fact that Toyin is my crush I really don't like Jide (the bf) and a part of me always wish she broke up with his cheating and abusive ass. But you know these girls, only God knows why they'd rather stuck with such ni#g*s than the normal caring type like me😢
Around 12pm on this gruesome Saturday, Toyin called crying that she went through his phone again (an act that always ends in tears) and saw all his hoely acts yet again after he promised him never to cheat on her ever again.(Sorry oo,what player hangs boot at their prime ?Ode!
She asked me to come pick her up that she needed some fresh air. Mind you I didn't plan on going anywhere that faithful day but it is written that "the dog that'll eventually get lost won't listen to the owner's call". (Mumu me 😭)
I was at Toyin's house about an hour later and called her to come out and let's go get lunch and probably take her to the mall later just to get her mind off the whole thing. Little did I know that as I was making my own plans, the devil also out there negotiating terms too😂
She came out a couple of minutes later and mehn I couldn't help but to wonder why such a beautiful lady has to be treated in such a disgusted manner.
No man wouldn't appreciate the wonderful carvings engraved in this beautiful human. Damn! Toyin is FINE!
After lunch we stayed back at the restaurant around her house gisting about the whole sad scenario and I was going to give her reasons why the guy doesn't deserve her when jide walked in with two guys.... be continued later this evening!
Baba was fuming with anger and looks like he was gonna choke me to death at the spot. He called out to Toyin and ask she left with him immediately, but she was a little hesitant and I felt I should step in for her. (Someone must be presing my mumu button somewhere)
Right,this was the moment I needed to stand up for her and be a man that can actually protect her interest right? Damn what was I thinking? Mumu me thought I was James Bond, baba I chop slaps from three different dimensions. 😭😭😭
You know the kind of slaps that makes you rewind back to the reason you were unfortunate enough to be in that particular place and at that Godforsaken time... yeah that one that resets the brains gangan!
I can still feel those slaps everytime i recount d incident,it seems I was just destined to chop those slaps mehn it was harsh,I dnt deserve such treatment from this guys. What was my offense, shey na me call d girl abi na she even call me? It felt like a rape aswear 😭😭
Las las She left with him and I was left alone in the restaurant, shame wouldn't even let me leave immediately. I had to stay a couple minutes before I summoned enough courage to stand up, dragged my feet and take my leave.
(Never Again)
The climax of the story happened Later that Sunday when I checked status on whatsapp and I saw pictures with quotes reading "olori babajide" "my king my everything " see I cannor hold the tears, I felt scammed... Women are scum! Chai i repeat, never again!
Since then I don't pity these girls that'll rather settle and be complaining about their abusive relationship, if you're ready you'll grow sense yourself and Waka jeje away by yourself... The end!
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