PSA: faculty please stop teaching the thoroughly-refuted & debunked misconceptions of Hardin, Malthus, Diamond. That is all. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Crowdsourcing info may help folks. I’ll start. Others are encouraged to add to this thread...
NB: These are quick info on the fly & just starting points:

Instead of Hardin & other nonsense on the tragedy of commons, teach @Ostrom_Workshop Elinor Ostrom & tons other common property scholars...
Instead of Malthus & neoMalthusian nonsense, draw from decades of critical scholars who have debunked this from different disciplinary backgrounds (e.g. Ester Boserup, Amartya Sen, @g_kallis, etc)....
Another one (HT @fowler_lara) is the great work by James Scott:
Insight (HT @markbomford):
Insight (HT @geogvma):
More broadly, feminist scholars & critical geographers have published loads over many decades to refute a lot of the nonsense (e.g. those engaging political ecology, feminist political ecology, critical human geography, critical development geography, transnational feminism, etc)
Side note: This is thread is free labor to increase overall public knowledge of critiques of ideas that are widely taught uncritically. Hundreds have found this thread useful. But it's upsetting to some men who’re nitpicking whether debunk or refute were the right words to use.🤦🏽‍♀️
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