This is a story about two men with a dream… CHARLES & DAVID KOCH…and that dream was that everyone in the world would own a car, and buy their oil… and our neighborhoods would look like this:
We would all drive cars, and our commutes would look like this (while the planet melts):
You know who else has this dream? Exxon Mobil… MBS, Saudi Arabia… Russia… the GOP. They WANT us in a world like this:
But a lot of people want to live like this:
And we want to be with our families in a place like this:
But BAD ACTORS force car ownership on us to ENRICH themselves, yet we agree to it. We've all fallen for an EPIC LIE, told to us by known liars: oil companies, petro-states, the Koch Bros. The lie? That our lives and our cities should be filled with cars:
They TRICKED us into believing that cars = freedom… that parking is a “human right”… that busses are to be avoided at all costs, bicycles are a menace… that apartments buildings are an eyesore and highways are somehow “beautiful.”
…But there’s HOPE. Across the world, people are realizing we’ve been duped—and they are fighting back with a new VISION:
NYC is embracing bikes & bus lanes (WOW @CoreyinNYC !) Cities are making cars pay to come in (congestion pricing in London), removing parking (Oslo=85 spots left), & closing streets to cars altogether (Barcelona Superblocks) to replace traffic with literally children playing:
When you remove cars & replace them with bike lanes, here’s what you get: an END to traffic/pollution/noise/accidents; better health, gov savings, more shoppers, and happier people:
And people love to bike – right? Remember being a kid? Remember your last bike ride? It’s fun!
Bikes are cool:
As a society, we WANT people to bike, but our bike lanes are dangerous & deadly. How useful is a sidewalk if in the middle you have to DASH ACROSS A FREEWAY? Not useful at all. Safe bike lanes are ridiculously cheap, just politically hard.
Cars are expensive- a minimum $7,000+ per year FROM working families TO oil companies & SUV manufacturers. Thanks to the GOP & their donors, tax payers SUBSIDIZE drivers (who skew higher income), while we CHARGE transit riders (who skew lower income).
When it comes to driving, we're blind to the laws of cause & effect-- for climate & traffic deaths. Compare the urgency and activism to these public health crises:
Opioid deaths per year: 47,000
Gun deaths per year: 40,000
Car accident deaths per year: 40,000
From an EQUITY point of view: 80% of Manhattan residents don’t own a car; but NYC gives away millions of FREE parking spaces for private car storage for the most affluent residents: car owners.
Every parking space is 200 sq feet, equal to a small studio apt. Imagine the things we could use a parking space for:
What if charging drivers could make transit free/close to free:
If millions could move to car-free neighborhoods, millions of people no longer driving… imagine the impact on the planet, happiness, health, people’s pocket books.
We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to change. We need to build 7.4 million affordable homes. By definition, affordable housing=apt. housing. Microunits are naturally affordable (can rent for <$800/mo) + awesome + mom&pop builders can build them without public dollars.
Instead of just building new apartment buildings, we can build NEW STREETS designed for walking and biking & NO cars:
And even better... if car-free neighborhoods were an anti-poverty program – it would be a transfer of wealth FROM oil companies TO low income families worth $7,000/year, costing the government nothing and open to anyone.
Car free streets that replace forced car ownership is a progressive public policy for climate, income support, affordable housing… if we can just take the Red Pill and see that we’ve been duped.
Progressive MAYORS could solve climate change & address poverty simply by zoning for car-free streets. It costs cities NOTHING because the free market will build the housing/grocery stores/coffee shops… and if you build it people will come. End.
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