Hi! Are you a person of color about to lose your job on a presidential campaign? Some quick advice from someone who has been there...
Tell people you would like to meet at their office instead of going to coffees. Cheaper for you and easier for them. (And also, if you're the person they are meeting, pay for coffee for the unemployed person!!!)
Offer to do 15 min phone calls instead of meeting people in person. Much easier for a busy person and you may not even need that much time.
Spend real time w/your resume. Tailor your resume to specific types of orgs or positions. Have a couple versions on hand. This is a great request of info interviews -- bring printed copies and have them mark it up right there instead of getting back to you later.
Do not say you will "do anything." I know about desperation (been there multiple times!!!), but be specific and tailor your ask to whoever is in front of you. It will make them more likely to actually be able to help you.
If you can (I have not always been able to do this), get your ass to DC on a non-holiday week and ask to stay with someone on their couch and do interviews. It's probably the number one way you will get a job if you do national politics.
Give yourself some breathing room. Go get a holiday retail job. File for unemployment. We are the party of the working class. We fight for social services and we should use them! You're not too good for that shit.
Let people know you are looking for a job. White people are always calling me asking for my help. I want to help you, and I don't think I am on the only one.
Do all the webinars and the happy hours. 1) The happy hours are a way to eat for free. 2) All that shit gives you something to do and gets you on the scene, which is key to create momentum in your search. 3) You will learn something!
Make sure you check out @inclusv, they are an amazing organization and really are here for YOU specifically, recently employed person of color who works on campaigns.
Oh, actually, just to be 100% real, here is my financial advice for when you are BROKE AF:
-chipotle eaten at the right time is enough food for one entire day or even two days
-sometimes grocery stores have almost expired food for sale, ask them about it
-bakeries throw things out at the end of the day and you can beg for it (NO SHAME WHEN YOU'RE HUNGRY)
-you can live in your car and on people's couches for about six weeks if you bop around
-YMCAs have nice showers if you're living in your car
-the congressional cafeteria and afl-cio cafeteria are really cheap ways to eat breakfast/lunch (if you're in DC)
-you can go around six weeks w/o paying bills before they go into collections and shit (only for true desperation)
-you can overcharge about $100 on your BofA account before the fees really start to break you (only for true desperation)
-before you get this desperate, just go pick up a retail job!!!
You can follow @JessLivMo.
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