🔥Quick thread about POLLS. They're back. Polls give an appearance of “data-driven journalism”, but they are not. They make it effortless to form an opinion with no information assembly required.
Who has unleashed these hordes of polls and why! How are political opinion polls run, who funds them and what is happening behind the curtain?

"Polls are propaganda 99.7% of the time" Me, today
We are wild things studied in zoos by behavioral scientists and marketers. If you read, watch television or go to the movies you are contaminated with propaganda. If you avoid those things, but your friends don't, then they will expose you, it is airborne.
Case study, an American antagonist: Brookings Institution
Brookings pounded the intellectual table in favor of the $8 billion San Francisco Shipyard project yet failed to disclose receiving some $400,000 from its developer, the Lennar Corp. Is this a conflict?
Lies, damned lies and polls...

PUSH POLLS participants are pushed towards a predetermined result. They use loaded questions constructed on a fallacious conflation and an assertion designed to sway the respondent into answering in a particular manner.
SOCIAL NORMING is manipulating a false sense of consensus by suggesting that many others have already “joined” and are better off for doing so. “everyone” “we” “our” “most people” or “many” are used to imply which is the 'good group' and to coerce acceptance.
BANDWAGON and INEVITABLE VICTORY (the "right side of history") persuades the "vote consumer" to join in and take the course of action that “everyone else is taking.” Inevitable victory invites those not already on the bandwagon to join the road of certain victory.
REPETITION is an idea, especially a simple slogan, that is repeated enough times, may begin to be taken as the truth. This approach works best when media sources are limited and controlled by the propagator.
BABY PICTURES is the tactic of using adorable photos of me
GASLIGHTING is an avalanche of lies to render a populace powerless to resist.

KEEP IT FUZZY is used to persuade us to accept something w/o examining any evidence. Terms are used as if interchangeable, jumbled by skipping over which meaning is intended at a particular time.
"What we’ve done with democracy is to assume it’s a measurement of public opinion" "they’re treated as oracles of the truth by most people who read them" "they are not devices for measuring public opinion — they are devices for influencing it" Christopher Hitchens
Side note, In 1951 the CIA decided to see how Voice of America radio broadcasts into Eastern Eu compared with Soviet efforts,
it assessed the similarities/difs between U.S. and Soviet propaganda as essentially similar to Soviet propaganda,
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