ALP- a path to government
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Yep, ALP lost and they are hurting. They didn't lose by much but they lost to Morrison and that has got to sting.

Morrison offered no policies, so basically has a mandate to do whatever he wants
It looks like Labor are softening us up for the election review with bland, ambiguous nonsense like Libs are wrong, but note out policies are the same
OK, so the review will probably come back with ALP need to further align themselves with the Coalition pleasing half the members and infuriating the others

This will just keep Labor in the doldrums and Morrison will have another term
For ALP to actually get in and have power they need to fight not just condone and comply
The Coalition are dodgy and keep getting away with it because ALP stay silent.

Even the Angus Taylor corruption sees ALP dragging their feet- Imagine what Abbott would be saying/ doing if he was opposition leader
Section 44 is annoying to a lot of people and while it can be used to remove MPs it is a silly law.
So, why don't ALP look closer at some of that dodgy, corrupt behaviour and call it out?

Because complicit? Because can of worms?

Not sure, but maybe put this to the people ...
The Coalition in government hand out public funds from treasury (your money) to companies and mates via grants, subsidies, promotion, tax incentives, etc
In return for these favourable conditions and direct payments of cash, the government expects and receives a percentage back in the form of party donations
The Coalition can't just take money from treasury for themselves as that would be dirty money and a crime

So, they clean this money via the political donation system
In short. The coalition money launders your public funds they can access into clean private, party funds they can use

That is why you constantly see the government fund donors
To me this is obvious, systematic and blatant. If I did this I would be prosecuted, but the Coalition just does it in front of the media an opposition
For Labor to not call it out and investigate implies they are complicit and do the same thing. So why the silence?

If Labor are not just as dodgy, they should investigate past grants, funds and favours going out to business and what "donations" the Coalition got in return
There is a lot of secrecy (intentional) in political donations with governments not wanting to look corrupt and business not wanting to be seen bribing
But there is a lot of data there just waiting to be mined
I am sure that if ALP are willing to actually oppose and fight the Coalition prosecuting Morrison et al for money laundering will bring results
Sure, ALP can just fight amongst themselves for the next 2 years and we can all suffer under Morrison, or they can make a stand and fight.
It never ends
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