California is on a legislative orgy. Drunk on bad assumptions, blind to unintended consequences, in denial of the concept of personal agency. It's funny how narrow the belief in "freedom to choose" can get.
It's Unintended Consequences Bingo in California. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't, either way, let's experiment on the whole population.
How California helps freelancers by crippling them.

...with the help of a corrupt lobby.
A refresher on California's myriad of problems. Most, self-inflicted.
Union lobby wins. Feelancers and consumers lose. California exodus just beginning.
California Exodus

Even great beauties sometimes realize they also need brains.
"Singing is discouraged"

California, stop. You're a laughing stock. None of this is even enforceable. People aren't babies. And if they need this kind of micromanagement, their only escape is crib death.
"Do as I say, not as I do."

Why are you CA sissies letting this lying hypocrite dictate your lives??
California, keep going, everything's fine.
Is it a virus or is it a vampire?

Why does it only come out at night?

Hall? Oats...??

No, not "Oates". I was talking to the breakfast cereal.
Hard to believe this slick climber is also a hypocrite.
As long as Alyssa Milano can still podcast, consider LA open for business! Best run city since Aleppo.
California, such a lovely place. Turns out you can check out anytime you want.
Drug-filled tent cities cover LA

People have no money or jobs

Small businesses are revolting over nonsensical rules (that politicians ignore)

Tax base is escaping

Budget is imploding

And LA's Clown Mayor announces a vaporware battery-powered flying taxi, w/a foreign company
Newsom was sued by restaurant & service business owners, faces a likely recall election that has 1.2M/1.5M signatures needed by March. Tech moguls are now financing that effort.

Coincidentally, he just lifted coronavirus restrictions. Not enough hair gel to make people forget.
How it started | How it's going
Sometimes you need rock bottom to hit you. California is deep in clown world.
More celeb$ leaving California.

I don't think Newsom and the buffoons running CA/LA/SF realize how badly they're failing. In business, they'd be fired. In politics, some other hack will always hire them for their connections.
Good thread on the implications of a California exodus to Texas and elsewhere.
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