I was recently at the screening of a short documentary & talk on the planned artificial islands in the south of Penang. Seeing as many people aren't familiar with the issue, I thought I'd briefly summarise the project, its effects, and why we need to oppose it

The PTMP proposes a more effective public transport system including an undersea tunnel, LRT, monorail, trams, water taxies, and new highways. You can see the details on the website here

The highways themselves are controversial. Safety concerns have been raised over the blasting works required to create tunnels for the highways, not to mention the many people who'd have to relocate
The Penang South Reclamation project (PSR) is a crucial part of the plan. Without it, there just won't be enough money for the rest of the PTMP. Yet it will affect the livelihood of thousands of fishermen, and cause irreversible damage to the environment https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2019/07/505751/psr-puts-penang-danger
"Land reclamation" itself is a misnomer, which is why I don't often use the term except ironically. Creating an artificial island in what was sea is not "reclaiming" anything, because it never belonged to you in the first place
The fishing community of Penang have an intimate knowledge of the local waters and seasons, acquired over the course of generations. Their traditional knowledge and skills are valuable for fishing sustainably and avoiding waste
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