They all work for Metro and Pepsi now. House in Lake Arbor, wife is a GS-9 in the government. Sliding door doesn’t work so well, but there’s a basement entrance. I swear there’s a manuscript to that transition lol.
Staunch refusal to buy skinny pants (they settle for relaxed fit), probably a bubble vest with a Cowboys hoodie underneath). Camry or Accord (top trim level) which they take to the car wash 3 times a week. They get to the barbershop and hour early on Saturday just to talk shit.
They got a 24 year daughter from a previous relationship, and a 7 year old son with the wife. The son has football practice 4 days a week, but dad works doubles and the wife telework last 8 days a week so she takes him to practice.
He complains about all the package thefts in the neighborhood, but whole time it’s his sister’s son (his dad his been in since 1997, so he’s the only father figure that he knows) who comes over to play 2K and bring him a light 7 of tree from time to time.
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