"something always goes wrong"
"well, why does that something always seem to be you?"

Idk if when dean was pissed at cas for not sticking to the plan, anyone else's mind automatically went to dean being pissed that he's in love with Cas and never fucking meant to be
and was never fucking supposed to be, and has tried for over a decade not to be, and Cas just keeps throwing a fucking wrench in that. Cause Dean's plan was never to fall in love with a fucking angel. He never wanted to be in love with a fucking angel, but he is, no matter what.
I think part of him feels totally helpless to Cas, because he can't control him or their feelings for each other, it's just another thing he can't control, on top of god's plan, but I think what dean doesn't realise yet it's that it's so outside of God's plan,
that they really are forging their own destiny in being in love with each other, because that was never in the cards, it was always a wrench. Dean may have felt just as helpless to it as he was to Chuck's plan, but it was all them, it was the good that he got out of this.
it always comes back to "we're making it up as we go" doesn't it
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