This seems to upset people, but I don’t do the “ADHD is a gift” thing, #neurodiversesquad.

ADHD is a medical disorder with mental and physical impact. It can destroy relationships, finances, and careers. Many of us are under employed or unemployed.

Who bought me this shit?
That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be proud of who you are, your accomplishments, and the fact that you’re living with the disorder. I am not ashamed to have ADHD. Neither do I have to transform it into something it isn’t. Reframing is healthy but it should be rooted in reality.
What gift requires accommodations?
What gift do fucks up your credit?
What gift causes your depression? What gift makes you lose your job? What gift helped cause your divorce?
What gift crushes your self-esteem?

Who put that gift on their wish list?
It is ok to say ADHD makes me no less of a person. It doesn’t make me incapable of excellence. ADHD can impede my success but I will never concede. ADHD is not a gift. It isn’t a curse either. It just is.
The comorbid conditions alone should let you know it isn’t a gift. I can’t always remember them all at once, but here’s a possibly incomplete list of what I have:

- Anxiety
- Depression
- Dysthymia
- Sleep Apnea
- Restless Leg Syndrome
- Vertical Heterophoria.
Nobody would argue that any of those conditions were gifts. So why do they insist on believing the disorder that causes them is?
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