🎡Vaccines, vaccines, vaccines, vacciiiiiines,
🎡I'm begging of you, get them when you can.
🎡Vaccines, vaccines, vaccines, vacciiiiiines,
🎡Please don't deny them just because you can
🎡They've evidence beyond compare
🎡For safety and the lives they spare,
🎡For kids who want to make it to their teens
🎡Procedure's such an easy thing,
🎡A little jab is all the pain
🎡And now I am so safe with you,

🎡Mortality rates start to creep
🎡And there's nothing I can do to keep
🎡Kids safe if people will refrain
🎡And I can easily understand
🎡How Wakefield's lies got out of hand
🎡And threatened our herd immunity
🎡Vaccines, vaccines, vaccines, vacciiiines,
🎡I'm begging of you, get them when you can.
🎡Vaccines, vaccines, vaccines, vacciiiines,
🎡Please don't deny them just because you can
🎡Measles stops because of them,
🎡Without them it comes back again,
🎡Let's keep kids Rubella free,
🎡I had to have this talk with you
🎡'Cause your kids' lives depend on you
🎡And whatever you decide to do
🎡Vaccines, vaccines, vaccines, vacciiiiiines,
🎡Vaccines, vaccines, vaccines, vacciiiiiines,
🎡I'm begging of you, get them when you can.
🎡Vaccines, vaccines, vaccines, vacciiiiiines,
🎡Please don't deny them just because you can
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