Let’s Cut straight to the Flam - it’s a One Piece reaction thread. #OPGrant
Chapter 758 - If you will forgive a man an aged meme...

Standout Panel - I loved this sequence: putting the camera at the edge of the slingshot and having the battle fade behind Usopp whole it rages around the fringes, the black/white flip where the trio become glowing dots then silhouettes, his descriptions, all of it #OPGrant
Also Violet and Usopp working together is Good Content™️ #OPGrant
Fellahs, you ever just jokingly punch your bro out of the way of an enemy attack, to save their life at the risk of your own, in manner resembling a love tap but also somehow you’re caressing their chin? Fellahs? #OPGrant
Chapter 759 - I’m not sure if this is an original observation, but Doffy strikes me as the antithesis of Shanks. Where Shanks inspires the next generation (Luffy) for their sake, Doflamingo actively uses the dreamers who idolize him (Bellamy) for his own purposes/fun. #OPGrant
Standout Panel - I talk about this constantly but I must reiterate: exaggeration of the physical reality to cartoonish proportions HEIGHTENS emotional realism and adds to the impact of scenes where “true” reality would not. This is a Looney Tunes punch, but you FEEL it. #OPGrant
Chapter 780 - Doffy shows us the true power of Full Leggy Haki™️ and takes Luffy + Law apart without much effort. Doflamingo’s backstory is the only flashback so far that has made zero emotional impact on me. “uwu my dad wouldn’t let us buy slaves any more” dude stop it #OPGrant
Standout Panel - Talk about juxtaposition 😂 Law getting dramatically triple-impaled while booger man grins a goofy snot waterfall in the bottom of the frame. Good choice to heighten the light + dark contrast by making Law’s coat mostly white and doing thicker outlines. #OPGrant
I know Doffy is like 30 feet tall or whatever, but I think it was a good decision to draw all his kicks such that his leg is never completely in the frame. He’s larger than life, too big to be contained, limitless power and fury. #OPGrant
Sometimes a man must share a panel not for himself, but for the culture. #OPGrant
Chapter 761 -

No one:

Not a single soul:

Eiichiro Oda: So anyway Law can grant someone eternal life.

Standout Panel - Me calling this segment standout “panel” when I’m literally about to post two whole pages #OPGrant
Thematically I really dig this sequence. Luffy throws everything he can - a flurry of kicks - just to survive, and spends three panels rolling away, only for Doffy to teleport over and DBZ spike him into the underworld with a single kick. Excellent and visceral. #OPGrant
Luffy said 😤 #OPGrant
Chapter 762 - This is really the crux of it, isn’t it? The lead isn’t the poison - it’s human greed and corruption. The poison is profit at the expense of people, of unchecked power that creates mass disinformation and uses atrocities to cover up multi-generational abuse #OPGrant
Standout Panel - A minor touch but one I appreciated. When Law is charging Corazon, we get a POV shot with Corazon’s all black cloak is shaded like speed lines with them all angled at a clear central “bullseye” in the center of his back. #OPGrant
Giolla has such Linda Belcher energy, I can’t unsee it. #OPGrant
I can’t explain it, but the relaxed vibe from this shot has me thinking Doffy’s shades are like a bra, he gets home after a long day and is just like “Lord, finally I can take this off.” #OPGrant
Chapter 763 - #OPGrant
White guy blinking dot gif #OPGrant
Thank God there was this wholesome moment, otherwise I might have perished. #OPGrant
Corazon is clumsy doofus representation. Thank you Eiichiro Oda or portraying my people in your work. #OPGrant
Chapter 764 - Cora did a real 180 there huh? Turns out he’s been lying about everything except being a colossally clumsy doof lol, what a champion. I’m glad that Oda has made it textual that D does not represent an inherent power but an inherent anti-authoritarian streak #OPGrant
Standout Panel - I’m not being fascetious when I say that it is very important to me that one of the most popular series in the world has strong men crying for the plight of orphans, the sick, and the forgotten. I honestly don’t know of another mass media example of this #OPGrant
I don’t want to pretend One Piece doesn’t have problems, Oda makes mistakes (and painfully it seems to be the same mistakes over and over), but when he gets it right by God he gets it right. #OPGrant
It me dot jay peg #OPGrant
Good SBS content, real recognize real #OPGrant
The most hilarious thing to me about this cover is that everyone is having a grand old time and then there’s Zoro in the foreground all mad that Chopper splashy splashed him. “Chopper STOP IT I’m TRAINING” #OPGrant
Happy Friday to me #OPGrant
Also if I didn’t know any better I’d say this was the work of @cheripiart #OPGrant
Chapter 765 - Okay so hear me out: a One Piece video game in the vein of Metal Gear Solid with stealth action and convoluted plots, but instead of playing Mr Serious Business Solid Snake you’re clumsy fumbly doofus Corazon. #OPGrant
Standout Panel - This is brilliant comedy. Just terrific use of the medium itself, having Law’s word balloon literally stabbing Corazon in the heart (with a STAB!! onomatopoeia to boot). Wonderful, absolutely wonderful. #OPGrant
Chapter 766 - For future reference, I will henceforth be saying “Vergo” with the same delivery/energy of Professor Farnsworth saying “Wernstrom!” Can’t believe tiny Law actually cried over someone else’s pain. “I hope you will remember my smile” oh no here we go #OPGrant
Standout Panel - Interesting choice on this Vergo kick. There’s an arrow-head like shape to the page where all the background around Vergo is negative space, and Cora is being kicked into the rubble. My gut says it is to give a sense of death/emptiness to the blow. #OPGrant
Admiral Tsuru + squad spinoff manga when???? #OPGrant
Chapter 767 - WELP no wonder Law prefers to be stoic and silent all the time. Good Lord, the entire sequence of him in the chest - just oof. Law is in a coffin of sorts and this is a day when a part of him died - the young man that came out of that chest was someone else #OPGrant
Standout Panel - Obviously this is a timing/sequence of events thing, but the layout makes for interesting framing. Doflamingo’s father set in motion the chain of events that lead Doffy to draw the gun on him, yet the shot is ultimately aimed at himself in the last panel #OPGrant
This section is brutal. Interspersing crying faces between the gunshots with the slanted gutters and knowing Law can feel the impacts of Cora’s body being tossed against the chest again and again... No clear shot of the gun, only Doffy looking stone-faced, it’s all him. #OPGrant
O o f #OPGrant
Chapter 768 - The smash cut from the flashback gave my whiplash. I 1000% understand why this was too much for some folks when reading weekly because there is



going on right now. I really don’t know how Oda will be able to tie up all these loose threads. #OPGrant
Standout Panel - Great shot I thought, almost gave me Kawajiri vibes (tell me you can’t see the black screen with the slash marks going through it in your mind’s eye 😅). Made a good show of Doffy’s power and Law’s resilience that it cut clean through rock but not him. #OPGrant
Chapter 769 - Nice how Bellamy, even if he may not be my favorite, is getting a chance to state his case. Even if he’s foolish he knows it and is owning up to it. I find that a much more compelling motiviation than characters who bend over backwards to justify loyalty. #OPGrant
Standout Panel - A very smart move on Oda’s part to have all these gratuitous close-up shots of Law’s hands as he uses his Devil Fruit power in the build-up to Doffy’s attack. It subtly aligns the reader’s focus so that the loss of his arm hurts that much more. #OPGrant
Chapter 770 - The sheer number of characters/fights is making it hard for me to stay invested in what’s happening. The Zoro vs Pica fight has been cool-looking at least and I’m always down for Zoro, but I don’t know much about Hajrudin and know even less about Machvise. #OPGrant
Standout Panel - On the plus side though, Oda never fails to turn in great work when it’s punchy punch time. The veryicality of these shots is really soemthing, and shooting from above then going to an over the shoulder shot from below helps add that OOMPH for the launch #OPGrant
Zoro said “It’s big boy season” #OPGrant
Jinbae: 🐟
Chapter 771 - This was all over the place. The “bit” with Baby 5 trying to be played for comedy then jumping to a hyper-serious yet incredibly short flashback didn’t work for me. Too much in too little time, and imo it takes the “she wants to help” shtick way too far. #OPGrant
Stabdout Panel - The kicks though, wow. The cracking effect is reminiscent of Whitebeard’s power. I love the shockwave look as it cracks through Lao G and the way Don’s legs form a strong line of action even in the midst of all the spiral/tunnel shape. #OPGrant
Ngl Lao G dying of old age mid-fight was pretty hilarious. #OPGrant
Been days since I’ve had a Robin smile. But this Boa smile will help me endure the drought. #OPGrant
Chapter 772 - Dellinger went from Dellybean to Hellinger in the blink of an eye (hats off to @scarlet_simply for the name Dellybean). I actually felt way more connected to the fights in this chapter since characters like Ideo/Bartolomeo got plenty of screen time before. #OPGrant
Standout Panel - Wonderful work on getting the spherical effect on Gladius’ ground burst attack. I think the selling point for me is the juxtaposition of the stone texture and how paper thin the ground looks as it tears, plus the sense of distance. Very surreal #OPGrant
Very aesthetically pleasing splash page, to my mind. The slanted gutters on either side drawing the eye towards the central attack shot is great, and how the reader’s eye comes up along Cavendish’s blade to his haunted face. Well done. #OPGrant
I don’t even know what to say at this point. Bartolomeo isn’t even a character to me any more, he’s just a mirror. #OPGrant
Chapter 773 - Bartolomeo got to make the big heroic effort, even if it failed. The Cavendish/Hakuba stuff worked well I though, especially the visual of his face going half and half. Robin got to save herself AND save someone else AND show off a new attack 15/10 chapter #OPGrant
Standout Panel - Again, very appealling explosion effect for Gladius’ power. This on has a very “wet” look to differentiate from before but those extra white lines ringing the center make it pop (badum, pssh). Love the visual expressive range for even this one power. #OPGrant
Wait, Dressrosa is good actually. #OPGrant
Death Stranding (2019) - Kojima Productions #OPGrant
Chapter 774 - Princesss Mansherry, er that is to say Pwincess Manshewwy, is so over the top adorable. Oda really just drew a 🥺 emoji and tbh it works lol. Giola wringing the tears out of her was tough to watch, glad the little uwu bwigade arrived in time to save the day #OPGrant
Standout Panel - What a surreal panel. It’s well-executed, with multiple print patterns and a very rounded feel to the action and the curved lines of the characters in the shot. But it’s also like... imagine trying to describe this moment out of context 😂 #OPGrant
On the other end of the spectrum there’s this shot. I think this slight pause with Giola’s hand over negative space + the dramatic gust of wind with bits of debris telegraphing the coming blow, I think it works well. It definitely emphasizes how cruel/sinister this is #OPGrant
And I know literally no one asked this but allow me to date myself terribly. I finally realized that young Giolla reminds me of Doris from The Critic. #OPGrant
I believe the scientific term for this is “pwecious” #OPGrant
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day

Teach a man to appreciate Robin’s smile and he will die in an instant

Chapter 775 - #OPGrant
I don’t even know what to say about Senor Pink. I genuinely don’t. I think I need to reread all of these sections again because I’m totally in a weird headspace about him. The closest thing I can relate it to is when a cat leaves a desd animal on your doorstep as a gift #OPGrant
Standout Panel - An interesting motif, at least in this chapter, was that we never seen Senor Pink’s eyes. When he is wearing shades, evey time he looks dead-on at the camera we see Russian’s silhouette reflected in them, like his pupils or the center of his vision. #OPGrant
This is the internal monologue of all Franky stans, by which I mean me. #OPGrant


Not only do we get a wholesome group shot of every Straw Hat smiling - even their BIKES are smiling - but Robin and Nami are just... beaming? Absolutely exuding carefree boundless joy? They are on their way to do crimes together and I am so happy for them. #OPGrant
Chapter 776 - Lots of high drama moments in this one: Franky giving his all to inspire the destruction of the factory, Kyros walking through the spike rain, Robin making a blooming leaf canopy. While I still wish Rebecca had a chance to fight I can see Kyros’ perspective #OPGrant
Standout Panel - Terrific use of the medium to differentiate an attack. Having Diamante’s word balloons split perfectly in half (complete with flat sides) whenever he says the attack’s name is just a brilliant flourish you can really only do in a comic. #OPGrant
Wow, can’t believe Oda managed to fit a sunrise into the very last panel of the chapter but he did it. #OPGrant
Chapter 777 - Zoro always has been, and always will be, That Dude™️ and I love how he’s approaching Shadow of the Colossus like it’s God of War. Genuinely surprised that this jock can canonically count to five. #OPGrant
Standout Panel - Just one of those “yes yes cool yes swords yes cool” kind of moments. The choice to make the inside area of Pica’s head pitch black to emphasize the smooth cut vs the shading/texture differences outside was a good decision. And his left eye 😂 #OPGrant
Oh God three smiles in one page and they are all just her trying to be brave for Rebecca’s sake, a man can only take so much this will be the end of me #OPGrant
Chapter 778 - Zoro #OPGrant
Chapter 779 - Most of the chapter was people standing around in bewilderment which feels pretty appropriate given how cool Zoro is (sorry, I know I’m being Chopper on Main). Talk about a final panel! I assume Law is alive but even if he appears dead Luffy might go SSJ. #OPGrant
Standout Panel - A fitting end. Putting the reader’s view on the ground just beneath Bellamy is a good touch, show how powerful Luffy is. Interesting that this is the same way he hit Bellamy before but the image is flipped - visually showing a reverse emotional context. #OPGrant
Chapter 780 - Law is defiant to the last. Nice that “villain gloats over helpless hero” makes sense for Doffy as a character but also because he actually wants Law alive to perform the immortality operation. It was tough seeing him unload the pistol into Cora’s symbol. #OPGrant
Standout Panel - Super minor character note: I greatly appreciate that this new form of Doffy’s power feels intimidating because of his hand motions. Again, rituals set audience expectations - and we’ve only really seen him do the finger movements before, this is a shock #OPGrant
Chapter 781 - Aaaaa it’s a shame Law’s plans always have to go up against Doffy and fall flat because they’re always super inventive and cool. Making the Room so large that it wasn’t visible, switcharoo jump attacks, super-heated phantom blades - so coooool #OPGrant
Standout Panel - Not to put too fine a point on it but One Piece is the kind of manga where a scene involving angry footsies can be riveting and engaging. Luffy literally stops the boot (or heel, in this instance) of the oppressor by putting himself in harm’s way. #OPGrant
Oh I love this song

[Smashes that 🔂] #OPGrant
This is blessed content and everyone is having a fun time and there are sleepy bunnies and Franky is rocking the buzz cut


Is Robin smiliiiing???? I can’t see her face from this angle why would you do this to me Oda, why #OPGrant
Chapter 782 - What a strange backstory for Trebol. None of this makes Doflamingo any less guilty for what he’s done, but he certainly had every possible bad influence along the way. I dig the sub-text here that the Devil Fruit and the gun are equally terrible weapons. #OPGrant
Standout Panel - I recognize that this may seem a stretch and the panelling is very different but imo the energy on these panels is very similar to Jack Kirby’s iconic Captain America vs Batroc fight in Tales of Suspense 85. The kinetic dynamism of comics on full display #OPGrant
The power to tell stories through sequential drawings, with little to no text, no connective images between the frames; where the mind has to fill in the blanks yet in each person’s own unique way they imbues scenes with vibrancy and imagination. It’s a special medium. #OPGrant
Chapter 783 - CHILLS #OPGrant
I haven’t felt this way about a shonen hero adding a number to a power up since I heard Goku said “Kaio-Ken... TIMES TEN!” when I was in middle school. That’s the highest praise I can give. #OPGrant
That’s My King dot jay peg #OPGrant
Also everyone kept talking to Robin and saying her name because she was the focus of the scene which is how it should always be. So 14/10 for the script in this chapter no wonder everyone was telling me 783 was so good. #OPGrant
Oda may have had a bunch to juggle in this arc but one thread he never lost sight of in Dressrosa: Lawlu #OPGrant
Also Robin calling Law Traffy - just like Luffy/her captain does - is like the most profound character development to me. She’s come so far and been through so much, for her to say this is a Big Deal. #OPGrant
Oda might be winking at the audience here 😂😂😅 #OPGrant
Chapter 784 - I don’t know what I expected but it was not this! What a wild design Gear Four is. It’s not just the look but Luffy’s body language has totally changed. I know Luffy has reached a new plateau because he has discovered the ultimate source of power: eyeshadow #OPGrant
Standout Panel - Good call on Oda’s part using the early scene with Law + Cavendish to remind the reader of the distance from the top of the tower to ground level. Those establishing shots help emphasize the enormous distance Luffy clocks Doffy over in one punch. #OPGrant
I laughed so hard at this. Luffy really said “Haki toes in your faaaaaace” #OPGrant
Some of the recent SBS have been kinda wild but this is the stuff I like to see - Oda boosting people up and being encouraging to the next generation. #OPGrant
Sir you KNOW he cannot answer this question. #OPGrant
Chapter 785 - I dig that Riku gets to make another announcement to the people of Dressrosa in this final moment. Last time he implored them to bring the gold to the center of town, but this time he’s asking them simply to bring themselves: the real treasure is the people #OPGrant
Standout Panel - Just from a design perspective I think Gear Four is a fascinating change for Luffy. Oda’s gone a long way with the creativity of stretching rubber, but this tapering “funnel” retraction thing adds an entirely new expressive dimension to our hero. #OPGrant
As opposed to just “oh he hits harder now” or “oh he has different hair” this adds a whole new set of tools to the narrative and visual language Oda can use with Luffy. It’s... brilliant, actually. I’m profoundly impressed. #OPGrant
Minor writing/world-building note, what a fascinating idea to build an entire structure out of sea prism stone. #OPGrant
Chapter 786 - Oh no, Luffy ran out of Gummiberry Juice! Something tells me that the gladiators won’t be able to hold Doflamingo back for very long. I can’t believe Oda bothered to introduce and name Gyats in addition to all the other characters in this arc, Lord. #OPGrant
Standout Panel - Sabo’s combat introduction has clear parallels to Luffy’s way back in chapter one (strong rising diagonal line of action, hitting a puffy cheeked giant). I like that visual link between the brothers. #OPGrant
Depending on your preferences, that EEEEK is either one of joy or fear. #OPGrant
No one:

Not a soul:

Oda: Here’s twenty more character designs. #OPGrant
One of the most hilariously One Piece lines of dialogue. #OPGrant
Chapter 787 - Okay at least the gladiators from before I at least remember and am invested in. Fujitora is kinda... standing around? As cool as he is I’m wondering what role he’s supposed to play in the arc other than showing a slightly less ruthless side of the Navy. #OPGrant
Standout Panel - I talk about this constantly, but I think it’s important to keep beating the drum: cartoonish exaggeration increases emotional realism. Watching the stone tower bow against the bird cage like it’s actually pushing makes it feel like a character too. #OPGrant
Zoro really said “Turn your brain off and fight” what a legend, the king of the jocks. #OPGrant
SBS I owe you my life. #OPGrant
Chapter 788 - I see I spoke too soon regarding Fujitora 😅 Zoro can add “I inspired Zatoichi to follow my lead” to his already impressive resume. They managed to push the bird cage back! Zoro was right about thinking: for him brain cells work like weighted clothes in DBZ #OPGrant
Standout Panel - I think it’s important that the princesses’ concern for the plight of Dressrosa and its people will ultimately be what defeats Doflamingo. Sympathy/empathy/cooperation is making the lasting difference against Doffy’s cruel indifference. #OPGrant
Fellahs, you ever just consistently show up in your bro’s hour of need and risk life and limb to protect him against any danger because you’re the only one who can truly care for your bro? #OPGrant
Oda realized in this chapter that even when Robin isn’t directly involved in a conversation, he can show her reacting and it dramatically improves the quality of the work. #OPGrant
Viola please return my calls. #OPGrant
Oda quoting scripture 😌 #OPGrant
Chapter 789 - Gyats burning out the clock by drawing Doffy’s attention to himself rather thab Luffy was good stuff. I think it says a lot about Doflamingo that even when he probably ought to work efficiently and quickly he takes time to be controlling and cruel. #OPGrant
Standout Panel - Luffy has the biggest brain I swear 😂😂 #OPGrant
Chapter 790 - Of course Monkey’s biggest punch yet is called King Kong Gun, I love it. I am always down for seeing Doflamingo get hit but I’m worried that he’s pulling another string trick and this is jusy a body double or he’s going to regenerate or some other nonsense. #OPGrant
Standout Panel - This battle with Doflamingo has rewritten the rules for combat in the world. We’ve seen exaggeration from the medium in a metatextual sense, but I can’t recall another power that textually alters or warps the environment like Doffy’s power does. #OPGrant
The half shadow on his face in the upper left panel then missing half his face in the lower right is such a vicious but visually creative way to show the punch’s impact. #OPGrant
The verticality of the layout of these panels and having Doffy’s shattered shades “below” Law ans Corazon is just *chef’s kiss* #OPGrant
Chapter 792 - I feel like this is not only the point of the Dressrosa arc but a part of One Piece’s central thesis. So many of the structures in the setting only provide “order” as an opportunity to engage in cruelty, and the Straw Hats dismantle them one after another. #OPGrant
Standout Panel - A uniquely One Piece moment imo. The shower of tears of joy such that the hero is drenched in them in an outpouring of relief, and Rebecca’s face being the earnest ugly cry of someone in that moment rather than a pristine “perfect” expression - powerful #OPGrant
Robin: Me:
Chapter 792 - Doflamingo and all of his goons defeated and imprisoned for crimes? You love to see it. Jesus Burgess sniping at Sabo actually brings up an interesting consideration: just where was Sabo during the Paramount War? I hadn’t considered that before. #OPGrant
Standout Panel - I can feel the Weight of Destiny™️ on this one. Fujitora joins the ranks of Smoker and Tashigi by being one of the few good Navy officers. Apologizing for the Government’s failure, pinning it on the Warlord system, and bowing before Riku: big big deal. #OPGrant
I don’t know why but I’m totally enamored with these x-ray cutaways of the transponder snail in Sabo’s pocket ringing with its silly little face. #OPGrant
Chapter 793 - Interesting that Oda calls pretty explicit attention to the parallels between Alabasta and Dressrosa. I like the idea that Smoker’s frustration planted the seed that lead to Fujitora’s decision to make a big public show of bowing and asking for forgiveness. #OPGrant
Standout Panel - Yeah Fujitora is the best actually. There are three (3) good Navy characters. #OPGrant
Tashigi smiles are not rare in a textual sense, but they are rare metatextually because we so seldom get to see her show up. I share these blessings with you all. #OPGrant
LOL okay Oda actually gives good marriage advice. #OPGrant
Chapter 794 - Sabo being like “I got super amnesia” is... hrm. It’s not the most original explanation for why Sabo wasn’t at Paramount, but the scenes witb Sabo crying were really well done so I’m fine with it. Plus, I totally understand why he might have forgotten that. #OPGrant
Standout Panel - I have said this before but it bears repeating: Oda’s willingness to have a male protagonist who shows emotional vulnerability, to the point of ugly crying/sobbing with joy (multiple times this chapter alone), is really important and incredibly rare. #OPGrant
Sabo openly weeping at the mere sight of a picture of Ace is, as they say, a Big Mood™️ #OPGrant
This Robin smile has a very unique energy we haven’t aeen before, glad to add it to the Smiledex. #OPGrant
Chapter 795 - The in media res combat at the beginning was a little confusing but we got a Brook fight(!) which has become increasingly rare in these dark times. I finally get to see Kaido and he announces that it is, in fact, Big Boy Season™️ by jumping off Skypiea. #OPGrant
Standout Panel - The verticality of this page is very aesthetically pleasing. I like the use of the “ellipses” on the right to emphasize how long the fall was, and possibly underscore his repeated attempts at ending his life. #OPGrant
A very One Piece shot, in that a giant Looney Tunes silhouette is outrageously silly but made ominous and imposing because you know it portends something terrible. #OPGrant
Weight of Destiny™️ on this one, both figuratively and literally in the sense of “oh him big” #OPGrant
*slamming my hands on the lunch table* Brook fight Brook fight Brook fight #OPGrant
Chapter 796 - Kyros being stoic/trying to stay away from Rebecca is weird, to me at least. I’d think he’d want to be with his daughter. Fujitora is a true tabletop gamer, he trusts in the sanctity of the one true higher power - the dice gods. Casual Sengoku is sending me #OPGrant
Standout Panel - A Straw Hat fanboy who has to turn away from the light of Robin’s visage? Oda literally owes me royalties for using my likeness, my lawyers will be in touch. #OPGrant
2020 starts with Cowboy Hat Nico Robin? This is a good omen, this year will be full of blessings, good fortune, and joy. #OPGrant
Chapter 797 - Ah okay, ao Kyros’ stoicism was a setup for Rebecca to get to have her dramatic scene. I liked this quite a bit actually, because even if Luffy was facilitating the events via his powers it ultimately give some agency to Rebecca which is certainly welcome. #OPGrant
Standout Panel - Particularly liked this final moment. Kyros is stuck in the past, exemplified by the house - it exists in perfect clarity and looms over him. But when Rebecca hugs him it fades into transparency, demanding that he live in the present and move on. #OPGrant
Tashigi said: |3
POV: Robin sees that you are doing your best and smiles. #OPGrant
Chapter 798 - The scene between Admiral Sengoku and Law was unexpected but a welcome one, with their conflicting positions in the world and conflicting viewpoints on Corazon’s actions in those final months. Luffy just clocked Fujitora, huh? The boy won’t wait. #OPGrant
Standout Panel - You see all that detail on the rubble? Weekly comic, folks. #OPGrant
Chapter 799 - Fujitora closing his eyes by choice is an interesting and unexpected angle, especially since he’s based on Zatoichi so it came as a surprise. He’s certainly the most nuanced of the Navy characters, and I hope we get more insight about him going forward. #OPGrant
Standout Panel - As a stylistic choice I just dig the way Oda depicts Fujitora’s perception of the space and people around him. #OPGrant
Fellahs, you ever accidentally become the living icon of the next generation of piracy? #OPGrant
I know Zoro’s talking about the statement from last chapter but because it came right after him yelling at the top of the page this had me rolling 😂

Luffy: I’m gonna kick ya! I’m gonna punch ya!

Zoro, nodding sagely: I agree with Luffy’s profound statement. #OPGrant
When I try to relate to the youths on this cursed bird app #OPGrant
Gathering Robin smiles from the SBS like a tiny plant collecting morning dew for water. #OPGrant
Chapter 800 - Ironically, for as long as Dressrosa was, the victory celebration felt painfully short. Still, seeing all the pirate captains pledge allegiance to Luffy is a momentous occasion. Luffy gained allies, but not all are necessarily friends - a key distinction. #OPGrant
Standout Panel - Weight of Destiny™️ moment. I don’t know why this stuck out to me, but there’s this very poetic element to seeing giants and tontattas drink to Luffy’s leadership. If you’ll pardon a Seussian turn of phrase: Luffy is king of all, the tall and the small. #OPGrant
Wholesome dad content, blessed. #OPGrant
“Grant, can’t you stop posting nonsense and make good tweets for once?” #OPGrant
My cup runneth over. #OPGrant
Robin laughed, like not just smiled but “hee hee” laughed twice(!) this chapter. Post-TS One Piece is so good, so powerful. #OPGrant
Chapter 801 - Bounty updates are always fun, somehow it gets funnier every time 😂 Chopper only have a 100 berry bounty, Franky getting mad at the One True God Usopp, it’s all a riot. Nami’s new photo has such ENERGY good Lord. Also, Sanji finally having a real photo lol #OPGrant
Standout Panel - I realize this is mostly a practical concern to help them all stay in touch, but I love the image of Luffy letting others take from his Vivre card. He’s sharing parts of his life + concern with others, and he does so gladly. #OPGrant
Dear Oda,

Thank you for including me in your story, I am honored you would go to such lengths to put my likeness in your momentous work.


Grant #OPGrant
Maybe the real Vivre card was the pictures of Robin smiling which contained my entire life force we found along the way #OPGrant
Sloppy work on the World Government’s part, had to set the record straight. #OPGrant
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