The miracle of the moon 🌕 I guess I never realized that when we say pregnancy is nine months what is meant by that is nine LUNAR months!
Also why due date calculation based on last menses are dangerous.

Say you conceive on a long cycle (ex: ovulation occurring on day 30 instead of day 14) - when your doctor calculates due date they’re actually a whole month off (measuring from day 1 not day 30, when conceived)
This allows the doctor in power to create fear because now you’re ‘past your date’ and the pregnancy becomes more high risk (when it’s not) and they can pressure you into interventions like an induction & c-section when they simply are not necessary. But they are profitable.
All this comes down to the fact that we have not achieved collective body literacy in modernity. We are alienated from one another and ourselves at the same time. It is the cornerstone of making autonomous and informed choices. It’s why I teach & practice FAM
I find it fascinating that the system of body literacy and autonomous menstruation is relegated to “unreliable” meanwhile doctors quite literally make calculations that are not science based such as due date & fetal measurement. That affects ppls health outcomes & safety
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