6. It's also interesting that I happened across this article tonight. The "Army of Northern Virginia" aka, the United States Army Intelligence Support, a Special Forces branch, provides NUMEROUS functions for the US. It has a history of STRONG leaders.

9. He may be right. Guess who ran this group for a very long time? General Stanley McChrystal, the very man that challenged obama and lost his job over it. Guess who served under McChrystal in this unit?

You guessed it, General Michael Flynn! https://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/24/us/politics/24mcchrystal.html
11. Here's a PATRIOT in action. Check out Nakasone's Senate Confirmation hearing to become the new director of the NSA and Cyber Command.

The FISA courts and warrants now fall under NSA jurisdiction? Did I read that right? We really DO have it all!

12. Look at that! The Army of Northern Virginia provides SIGINT or, Signal Intelligence! And, this Spec Ops team is code named "Task Force Orange".

That gives a whole new meaning to Trump's nickname from the #Deepstate doesn't it? Perhaps there's more to calling him "Orange Man"
13. Orange Man may have been the DS designation for DJT since it became known that "Task Force Orange", was loyal to him. And, if they are providing intelligence to Q for POTUS, it would make even more of a case for the nickname.

The more you know! Orange Man GOOD!
14. It's becoming more and more clear. DJT has tasked the "US Army Intelligence and Security Command" and its faithful commanders to assist him in overcoming the deep state coup and the corrupt in this country. The Marines are providing protection, the Army gathering Intel.
16. We've seen countless offices vacated in Trump's cabinet, and an "acting" replacement has taken the spot until a new senate confirmed nominee can take their place. Not so here. One loyal Patriot to the next, without missing a beat. No loss in integrity or chain of custody.
17. Some have asked if we could trust Q, and that's ok. That's LOGICAL thinking! Now, we have even more security in that trust. POTUS employed PATRIOTS and GENERALS to our cause. We're secured by the most loyal and capable of servants of our nation.

God bless


- End
18. WOAH! Thank you @Jeffantrad


May 4th, 2018, the day that Gen Paul Nakasone took over for Adm Mike [R]ogers at the NSA/Cyber Command, is the exact same day that the "PatriotsFight" board appeared on 8chan in the Q comms.


19. Here's QDrop 1313 showing the introduction of the PatriotsFight board.

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