Brazilian police have created an entire genre of subcultural art  (Thanks, @jeanstruck!)
Cocaine domino, brought to you by Brazil's Federal Highway Police
Amapá police celebrating their victory in the war on drugs in style
São Paulo military police playing Jenga
São Paulo military police winning just another decisive battle in the War on Drugs
Police officers "saw three individuals walking along the road, one of them dragging a tyre, who when they noticed the police presence, tried to escape, but were immediately approached"
Expectations vs reality
Writing is Fun!
The Pyramids of Giza, PRF special edition
Impeccable design
It's official: Rio Grande do Norte police have won the War on Drugs
Rio Grande do Norte police - discovering one massive marihuana plantation after another
Not bad, @pmmg190, not bad.
...and the Alexandre-de-Moraes Award for Marijuana destruction goes to:
Mato Grosso do Sul police tend to exaggerate their stage design a little bit
Amazonas Military Police proudly present: another decisive victory in the War on Drugs
Another fantastic piece of art by the military police of Minas Gerais: beautiful little bridges built between Jenga towers, the careful composition of the artwork lets a police officer sit on a stack of marijuana bricks. A+
The Grávida de Taubaté of drug smuggling
Paraíba military police ❤ fine art
The unstoppable Minas Gerais military police "succeeded in seizing a marijuana-like substance"
Minas Gerais military police pay tribute to @kloeterklikke
When you finally get to build a new wall at the local police station
ROTAM send greetings from Legoland
Rio Grande do Sul police built a shrine in honour of the War on Drugs
Dogs of Drug War
🔪 🔪 Polícia Militar
Minas Gerais Military Police ruthlessly eradicating crime
Goiás police have created their own font
Snakes on a Table (2020)

Director: Polícia Civil do Distrito Federal
Posing for selfies
Guys, let's celebrate our drug bust and take a picture. Yes, right there!,5,POL%C3%8DCIA,201337
Paraná military police are excited about Santa's beautiful presents
Police "succeeded in locating 02 PET bottles that were being used for irrigating the plants"
Undoubtedly the Romero Britto of Brazil's police artists: @pmmg190
The White Rabbit is getting ready to take Espírito Santo police down the rabbit hole
Disco time!
Money - a surprisingly versatile design material
Minas Gerais military police have zero tolerance for large-scale drug farms
Police finally arrest notorious drug kingpin Ursinho de Pelúcia
The writing, the pair of scissors, the composition - a masterclass by Goiás Military Police
Proudly displaying the results of successful police operations
Dr Evil and Mini-Me: Drug War edition
Today is #DiadoArquiteto and Brazil's police forces send greetings to all architects
Gerhard Richter, eat your heart out!
Making an arrest
Arresting a frog - the biggest achievement in @SargentoFAHUR's life
How to water your plants - a training course offered by Paraná military police
Portrait of a proud artist with the latest addition to his oeuvre
Turn up the volume and listen: the art critic gets very excited about witnessing the police artist at work
Organised crime will never recover from this
Paraná - the Bauhaus of Brazil's police design
Another major drug bust by @pmmg190
Drug bust photo-op influencers
There's Fish on Friday at Pernambuco Military Police canteens
Deforestation in Mato Grosso
Proud police dogs showing off their design skills
It's fun to stay at the D.R.C.O.
Paraíba military police invite you to a party
The stop sign that will stop crime
Rio de Janeiro police have created their very own Pergamon Altar
Arte heroíca e nacional, sem Lei Rouanet
. @pmmg190
Who did it better: Minas Gerais police or Oscar Niemeyer?
Police units across Brazil are eagerly participating in the annual Bonsai competition
Write your name with cocaine - presented to you by Rio Grande do Sul's Polícia Civil
Listerine, fir cones, flip-flops - Minas Gerais Military Police are simply the best
-'Boss, we found some drugs. Am I allowed to arrange them as flashy Nazi runes?'

- 'Sure, soldier, go ahead. No problem at all'
One of the most eagerly anticipated events among Brazil's Polícia Civil departments: the annual writing competition
The Great Sphinx of the War on Drugs
A minimalist design masterclass
Pills 'n' Thrills at Brazilian police departments
Rio Grande do Sul police love getting creative with 5,000 ecstasy pills ☹️↘️☹️
Notorious drug lord "Peppa" finally arrested in Brazil
Brazilian police have no mercy: Oscar the Grouch arrested in Paraíba
Visit Goiás! There are beautiful outdoor art galleries
Minas Gerais Military Police presents gardening trends for the new decade
Notorious drug kingpins arrested in Brazil
Brazilian police proudly present: the defeat of organised crime
Meet Bob "The Sponge" - the drug czar who lost his smile after repeated arrests by Brazilian police
Symmetrical Bliss
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