1/ Friday helpful quick tip here: one of the first things I check when I hear "results are declining" is the First Time Impression Ratio at the ad set level. In this example, on average only about ~30% of those are seeing the ad for the first time.
2/ In combination with the audience reached ratio (ARR), this can tell me a few things: the bid type and why the CPA may be rising. Usually when using Value/ROAS bidding, the ARR is consistently low and shows an opp for a different bid type.
3/ It also shows that introducing new ads within that ad set might be helpful, or restarting that ad set entirely might be good, to reach more people for the very first time. Many of us become too dependent on the same group of people and don't scale horizontally enough.
4/ Also, if you feel like "the auction is all over the place" then you're probably right. Look at auction competition and you can see that on some days a bid is 7% less competitive and some days the exact same bid is 9% more competitive.
5/ All these goodies can be found in Delivery Insights at the ad set level. I hope you found this information useful! Also, quick 🔌🔌🔌🔌 we're hosting a webinar on how to be the most prepared for Q4, so join us: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_967mgvOsQZu5CjM4ShNz6Q
You can follow @andrewfoxwell.
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