2009, I started getting involved in activities of @BJP4UP at booth level in my village and started visiting Shakha too.
It was a conscious call and there was no BJP government in state or Center. Won't go into WHY's of it but it was a choice I made. Like crores of Karyakartas 1/n
... most of us were fully aware of the perils we faced, most of us faced them as they came our way, but never once did the thought cross our minds that what we were doing was not a right choice, or we should give up.
People derived inspiration from the sacrifices ppl made 2/n
.. sacrifices of lives , families, friendships , careers , professions , social standing and what not.
People overcame fear , indiscipline , EGO and learned to follow directions , learned to work like a disciplined force , and 2014 happened.
2017 happened , 2019 happened 3/n
.. will not go into what changes were ushered in when BJP came to power, anyone doing a honest scrutiny will know.
But all those involved in all this are still active,on a daily basis , still facing FEAR, threats and what not.
They still don't question the choice they made 4/n
..and they are very well aware that they are TARGETS.
But having seen almost 10 years of a civilian life with total and open support to @BJP4India and more than 15 years in Indian Armed Forces, I did learn something - Sacrifices will have to be made .. on a daily basis.. 5/n
... if something happens to me tomorrow, what will hurt me more than the pain of that tragedy will be people attacking my ideology , my organisation for what happened to me.
Anyone walking on there paths knows what may happen and yet they keep walking on the same path 6/n
.. if something happens to me tomorrow, what will pain me more than the tragedy will be my sacrifice being used to undermine the cause , to demoralise my co workers , to instill fear in their minds that THIS is WHAT happens when u stand for BJP. As being done so actively by 7/n
.. those obvious rabble rousers who miss no chance to attack RSS/BJP when ever they could.
They strongly believe that being on Social Media gives ONLY THEM the right to speak or express and if anyone from RSS or BJP expresses anguish or anger in the same forums,it's blasphemy 8/n
.. by choice or by design these great souls become hyperactive before every election.
They have no issues with ANYTHING except BJP ... And yes, they get away everytime wearing some mask or the other .. I am sure you are also thinking of some names by now 9/n
.. after every attack on BJP/RSS in any way you will NEVER hear voices of "I STAND BY BJP/RSS". You will never hear or read anger directed at the real perpetrators. In fact you will notice clear deflection of the same carefully away from them. Deliberate or a coincidence?? 10/n
..these great souls look down upon anything BJP/RSS. For them the "Karyakarta" is something to mock, taunt and hound and yet they manage to masquerade as flag bearers of so many"isms"including nationalism!!

Their tirade makes most of those who are really involved ,defensive 11/n
.. silently they go about with what they are doing never telling these Keyboard Yoddhas that-WE DO ALL THIS BY CHOICE, VOLUNTARILY and WE DON'T GET SALARIES for this work.
They don't weep on their TLs about how less time they get to spend with their families or how a timely 12/n
..meal is a rare luxury.
Few of you will understand what losing ONE of our own in a battle feels like, and how difficult it is to retain your composure when some from the comfort of their fortresses mock you,taunting,teaching you how you will take revenge.
... these great souls through their waves of wisdom preach those dedicated karyakartas on ground about what is the situation on ground (they have this confidence to teach/preach on any subject).
A karyakarta will never whine on social media about the pain in losing elections 14/n
.. a karyakarta will let you romp in glee , make you feel as if your trends , your tweets , your articles did the trick. Karyakartas will never tell you about their efforts because there is no time , they would've moved on to the next mission ON GROUND .. 15/n
..personally(and I am sure that I am not alone)I will give up anything without any limits- children,family,life anything for BJP/RSS, and NOTHING could ever make me think otherwise,for I am convinced that this is the only way I could contribute to a safe,strong akhand Bharat 16/n
.. Sharing some of the MEDALS that are bestowed upon the Karyakartas -
Will sell the nation
Will stoop to any depth for votes
Will sell their souls for money ..

And I have not even started!
Imagine being at the receiving end 17/n
Last tweet of this thread ...

Rest assured , despite all those abuses , all that mockery , you will have BJP/RSS fighting it out for you and not advertising that here ... Do allow them liberty of expression occasionally , a rare privilege that you enjoy everyday 18/18
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