Thread of Threads: The Case Against Donald Trump
Pinning this here for now too.

Just my own opinion, based on experience and Trump’s behavior:
Temporarily pinning a couple of fog clearing links 🙂
Temporarily pinning this here for quick reference:
In 2009, Robert Mueller (then head of the FBI), discussed how they were reconfiguring the organization to proactively go after transnational organized crime.

This is important context for many of the things we see happening today:
The GOP’s “subpoena-resistant” web & storage services hosted in Russia:
A short explanation of the narcissist: what drives Trump, and what those close to him can learn from his reaction after the ball game.
Understanding disinformation tactics and propaganda:
At some point in all of this, we also need to make sure Kushner is held thoroughly accountable for his own “shadow foreign policy for personal gain.”

Remember, the State Dept was often surprised by what Jared was up to; they were unaware.
What are our real problems?

The best way to avoid falling into emotional disinformation traps, is by having a firm understanding of what the true underlying issues are, and staying focused on those.

Over time I will add a few different topics here.
Great series of threads by Lincoln's Bible on Donald Trump's mafia connections and history:
A reminder for members of the press - Corey Lewandowsky tells us explicitly how members of today's GOP feel about being honest with "the media."

This is why we can't uncritically report their statements; they have made it clear they intend to mislead.
A short thread illustrating the connection between Trump/Giuliani’s smear campaign against the Bidens, and Russian mafia money - with sources:
I wrote a thread to illustrate how - and why - divisive propaganda works on *both* sides of the political spectrum.

Pinning here for quick access:
Why is Westinghouse Electric-Viacom-CBS using a manipulative social marketing platform to deliver stories to us about political issues?

Does it influence the stories themselves?

Are any other news organizations using this platform?
Robert Mueller’s Iron Triangle speech

Citizens Crime Commission of New York City

FBI Director Mueller Addresses Crime Commission at Milstein Lecture January 27, 2011
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