Donald Trump is unequivocally the worst president in American history—a mobbed-up fraud whose three years in office have been catastrophic for the country. Other than dismantling the republic, he has ZERO accomplishments. And yet GOP defend the traitor. Why?

1/ Donald Trump is a rapist and a serial sexual assailant. We knew this well before the election. GOP responds by installing another sexual assailant on SCOTUS.
2/ Donald Trump is a money launderer for the Russian mob. We knew THIS well before the election, too, although the press went out of its way to avoid it. His relationship with Putin was always a red flag—one with a yellow hammer & sickle on it.
3/ On national TV in 2016, Donald Trump asked Russia for help digging up dirt on his opponent, Hillary Clinton. GOP explained that this was a “joke”—and then took trips to Moscow for some reason. ON THE FOURTH OF JULY, in the case of Ron Johnson & others.
4/ Thumbing his nose at the Emoluments Clause, Donald Trump continued to run his business while president. His hotel in DC is frequented by foreign nationals looking to curry favor by shoveling him money. GOP, usually so big on budgets, raises no stink.
5/ Donald Trump installed two grotesquely unqualified family members—his feckless daughter Ivanka and her haughty husband Jared Kushner—in positions of power in his White House. Kushner lied multiple times on his SF-86, which is a felony. GOP was cool with it.
6/ Kushner was not given a security clearance, because he has SERIOUS debt issues, among other things. Trump rammed it through, anyway. Kushner went on to act as the de facto ambassador to Saudi Arabia, cozying up to the murderous MBS, because money.
7/ Kushner & Trump both likely had advance knowledge of the Saudi hit on the journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who may have been investigating the Trump/Saudi financial connection at the time of his murder. Nikki Haley quit the White House at this exact moment. Rest of GOP? Crickets.
8/ Paul Manafort, a mobbed-up scumbag more or less owned by the Russian mob, ran Trump’s campaign during High Treason Season. He continues to treason on Trump’s behalf from prison (making a compelling argument for capital punishment in the process). GOP could care less.
9/ Unlike Michael Jackson or Woody Allen or Roman Polanski, whose apologists can at least point to a catalog of artistic achievement, Trump has given the world nothing of value. Kids in cages? Tariff war w/China? Idiotic preoccupation with the Wall? GOP capitulates.
10/ And now Trump solicits aid from hostile foreign powers against his presumed 2020 rival Joe Biden—in flagrant violation of Constitutional law, and the Founders’ obvious wishes. GOP, usually so happy to trumpet their love of the Constitution, say boo.
11/ McConnell could announce TODAY that Senate will vote to impeach, Trump would be gone by Thanksgiving, and Mike Pence could be the new president—ostensibly more palatable fare for the GOP palette. But no. Why?
12/ The simple answer is that the GOP, like Trump, has been compromised. Russia infiltrated the NRA. Russia hacked the RNC servers. Trump/Russia gathered kompromat on a gaggle of key GOP, a number that surely must include Lindsey Graham, Gym Jordan & sad hypocrite Kevin McCarthy.
13/ What Trump IS good at, as the Zelensky call shows, is mob tactics. What did he tell Graham on the golf course that day to elicit the 180? What did he tell Justice Kennedy to make him jump? Why did Rand Paul go to Russia to deliver a letter from Trump to Putin?
14/ In this space, I often cite betrayal among our leaders: “The traitors are easy to spot.” ANY Republican who defends Trump at this point is a contemptible traitor. There are no exceptions. Men like Ron Johnson, Steve Scalise, Matt Gaetz…these are collaborators.
If a Republican member of Congress walked in on Trump raping someone, would they make him stop? Would they quietly leave the room? Or would they stay on to cheer? Look at the GOP response to Ukraine, and you have your answer.

For shame.

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