1) A THREAD on tankie twitter:

Its worth the time to take a look at this batshit crazy movement.

Let's start by defining the term

In 1956 a student rebellion erupted in Hungary, citing Stalins purges as murders, and the labor camps as State slavery https://www.britannica.com/event/Hungarian-Revolution-1956
2) The term "tankie" evolved to describe the guys who wanted the USSR to invade i.e- send in the tanks

This was a big split in left European thought. Many leftists were critics of the murderous policies of Stalin, including many socialists such as Albert Camus and George Orwell
3) Many leftists were horrified by the horrific body-counts of Stalin and Mao (both killed more than Hitler Estimates put Mao between 30-90 million)

"Tankies" are what critics call the people who reflexively back any modern "communist" atrocities https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1994-11-20-mn-64853-story.html
4) Ironically, in the modern world this sub-group of communism (tankies) also back authoritarian actions of China and Russia. China has the highest rate of billionaires on the planet and the largest stock markets in Asia

Russia is highly conservative and privatized- right wing
5) Even more ironically, modern tankies support violent police actions in HK, VZ, Nicaragua, Moscow, Syria and any other country that they perceive as leftist (whether they truly are or not is irrelevant)

Enter numbskulls like Ben Norton from Greyzone being all #Bluelivesmatter
6) This is where shit gets surreal. We have twitter activists, self identifying as leftists, backing Sate Police actions against citizen protestors

WTF? It's because modern tankies dont really give a shit whether a nation is left or not, just whether it opposes US "Imperialism"
9) I think this probably started with good intentions, horrified at the results of US foreign policy in the last 30 years.

But it has evolved into something more sinister, though the LARP'ers pushing the idea from the US dont realize it
10) The weird immunity to factual information in this bizarre cult leaves them, much like dedicated FOX viewers, or flat earthers, at the mercy of only a few "alternative" media sites

Which almost always link back to RT or Telesur- Greyzone and Mintpress being examples
11) FINAL: there is no real ideology. Tankies are nihilistic, with a single-minded obsession on defeating "Imperialism"- a term they dont seem to really understand much less define

Solution? I dunno man...tankies are crazy. They love cops and apparently tankies gonna tank
PS: factoid on Chinese Capitalism https://twitter.com/FT/status/1181043234178506752?s=19
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