If you consider yourself a Marxist and support Bernie Sanders I hope you can reconcile the fact that he:

- Had Burlington peace activists arrested for protesting a weapons manufacturing plant
- Lobbied for Lockheed Martin to station 19 F-35s in Burlington (1/7) https://twitter.com/aishaismad/status/1180068413374373888
- Voted in favor of the Iraq Liberation Act
- Voted in favor of a resolution supporting the overthrow of Saddam Hussein
- Voted for sanctions that killed 500,000 Iraqi children
- Voted for the Iran and Libya Sanctions Act
- Voted in favor of extraditing Assata Shakur (2/7)
- Voted in favor of bombing Kosovo and had peace activists occupying his office in protest arrested
- Voted in favor of Bush’s H.R. Res. 64 Authorization for Use of Military Force
- Voted in favor of every military budget from 2002, 2004-2010, 2013 (3/7)
- Voted in favor of providing military hardware to Israel
- Voted in favor of Israeli military actions against Lebanon and Gaza
- Refuses to support BDS
- Supported sanctions against Russia
- Supported sanctions against DPRK (4/7)
- Supported providing a billion dollars to the far right Ukrainian government
- Supported arming Saudi Arabia
- Supported the drone program
- Legitimized Trump’s narrative on Venezuela and supported Trump’s actions in Venezuela (5/7)
- Advocated using “military power” to “support democracy and human rights.”
- Voted to recognize the Israeli capital as Jersusalem
- Signed a letter criticizing the UN’s “mistreatment” of Israel and condemning BDS (6/7)
- Supports curtailing due process of mentally ill people & Muslims with regards to purchasing a gun
- Opposes open borders because poor people will come “from all over the world”
- Defended Ann Coulter’s “right to speak”
- Called Hugo Chavez “a dead communist dictator” (7/7)
Adding to this:

- Voted for sanctions on Nicaragua
- Voted for indefinite detention of undocumented immigrants
- Voted to protect the far-right anti-immigrant Minutemen Project militia from federal prosecution
- Voted in favor of sanctioning Palestine in 2006
- Refused to support withdrawing troops from Korea
- Had Code Pink and Occupy Central Vermont protestors arrested for protesting Israeli attacks on Gaza
- Stated that foreign policy under his presidency would prioritize “the destruction of ISIS and getting rid of Assad”
- Condemned Trump for supposedly “cozying up to Communists”
- Justified voting for cuts to the military budget because “the threat of communism is over”
- Made a deal with Democrats to block third-parties from gaining power in VT
- Voted for Clinton’s 1994 crime bill
- Supported a proposal to dump nuclear waste in a poor Latino community
- Was denounced by his former friend Michael Parenti for supporting the bombing of Yugoslavia
- Was denounced by his former party, the Liberty Union Party, who referred to him as “Bernie the Bomber” for his support of military intervention in Iraq, Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, Liberia, Congo, Albania, Sudan, Afghanistan and Yugoslavia
- Told NYT that as president he would consider “military force for a humanitarian intervention”
- Told NYT he would “consider military force to pre-empt an Iranian or North Korean nuclear or missile test”
- Told NYT he would “maintain the current level of military aid to Israel”
- Used racist dogwhistles when speaking on gun control, saying “guns in VT are not the same thing as guns in Chicago or guns in LA... In Chicago, guns are used by kids in gangs killing other kids, or people shooting at police officers [or] shooting down innocent people.”
- Co-sponsored the "COPS Improvements Act", which was intended to increase funding for police, put more police in schools, hire more police, and buy better technology for police.
- Co-sponsored sanctions on China.
- Condemned calls to defund the police
- Voted to confirm torture apologist and drone warrior Avril Haines as Biden's Intel Director
- Voted in favor of paving the way for Raytheon Board of Directors member Lloyd Austin to become Defense Secretary
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