How 20yr Counterintelligence Asset Carter Page Mopped Up Peter Strzok’s “Leak Strategy”
MON April 03: @AliWatkins of @BuzzFeedNews & @BrianRoss of @abcnews approach @carterwpage, informing him they are going to leak his Protected Identity (MALE-1) in Buryakov case to the wider world.

This would set of a furious chain of events to follow...
Within 48hrs Buryakov had been deported from the country.

Agent Strzok was in communication with Gregg Cox of Critical Incident Response Group specializing in Crisis Management: “Its all good.”
The next day, April 06, Strzok is talking with DOJ attorney Lisa Page about timing of upcoming @nytimes piece to be cleared by FBI assistant director for public affairs Mike Kortan.

The NYT piece is an article about the Carter FISA, being discussed a week before publication.
The premeditation of this NYT piece is prima facie evidence of a “leak strategy”.

Why would @FBI be authorizing the leak of a FISA?

Because the story was already out.

@nakashimae ALREADY HAD the leak from Wolfe at the same time as @aliwatkins and was waiting to publish.
Strzok was buying time with @nakashimae by promising @WaPo first crack at the "scoop" & also offering them details for the story on the record.

Like this commonly overlooked gem...
While Strzok was informing @WaPo of a single FISA on Carter Page, he was detailing @nytimes on the same story, but with a twist:

Page was *NOT* the only American targeted by a FISA… 🤔
Strozk also incorrectly informed BOTH @WaPo & @nytimes that the warrant was obtained “last summer”
The details were designed to fan the flames of rumors initially seeded by @louisemensch!

Talk about a Strategy... A strategy of Obfuscation.
The ramifications of the Obfuscation Strat have been manifold:

@GeorgePapa19 claims/believes he was under FISA surveillance to this day despite his own attorney's protestations...
US Reps like @JacksonLeeTX18 cite deliberately obfuscated news reports as “reported fact” to advance unfounded narratives & investigative lines...

People still believe a "summer situation" must have happened or that @LouiseMensch has credibility, etc...

A Travesty of Confusion
But back to our story!

Its Thursday April 06, Strzok & Lisa are discussing the “timing” of the @nytimes piece which needs to be released *after* @WaPo, who is holding off their leak in return for scoop & details.
The next day on Friday April 7th, the FISA on @carterwpage is re-upped.
WEEKEND: Our FBI friends take a much needed rest:
MON April 10: Strzok wants to review the LEAK STRAT with Lisa before work.

When he arrives at the office, all hell has broken loose!

The new administration wants to change the "media leak regulations" due to Buryakov leak.
The "media leak regs" being discussed refer to how aggressively the DOJ investigate reporters, news agencies, and other entities with first Amendment protections.

The incoming Administration was furious about the Buryakov/Page leaks and wants latitude to subpoena reporters.
Strzok’s explains he's been pulled from the case. Lisa asks which one, was confusing it with the Manafort case.

Lisa says they need to move fast if there are changes to the media leak regulations looming...
A note here regarding discussion of Manafort.

Strzok’s LEAK STRATEGY was a 2-pronged DOJ/FBI operation involving 1) leaks by Weismann to AP reporters re: Manafort case, and 2) leaks by FBI to NYT reporters regarding the Carter Page FISA.

Here's a quick mid-stream refresher.👇
And 👇
Back to the story!

TUE April 11: Leak Strategy initiated. Weismann briefs 4 @AP reporters that result in at least 4 downstream articles, some cited in SCO warrants against Manafort.

Essentially, @FBI cited a leak that the DOJ had facilitated just like in @carterwpage FISA.
Also on Tues, @nakashimae at @WaPo publish their FISA story for the first time.

Wednesday, @nytimes follows with their story, including a reach out to @GeorgePapa19 over the false lead for a FISA.
On Thursday the 13th the @guardian also publishes an exclusive bombshell directly related to #SpyGate.

The article seemed to be nearly in direct contradiction to prior scathing denials by @GCHQ.

Was this story also part of the strategy? 🤔
Friday April 14: @nytimes is bitching to Strzok abt getting shafted on FISA story *and* no HGCQ angle.

They got scooped by WaPo *and* were fed inaccuracies.

Strzok tells Kortan they were “dealing in good faith” as they were in the middle of “leak strategy” crisis mitigation.
Now that we’ve witnessed a “leak strategy” headed by Strzok, coordinated w Critical Incident Response Group Gregory Cox, & authorized by Public Affairs Director Mike Kortan, its time to focus on the 2nd half of this story:

How Sleeper Patriot Carter Page reacted to the leaks..
According to federal prosecutors in the James Wolfe case, the FBI "promptly opened an investigation” into the leaks after @nakashimae's article on April 11th.
Given the security measures designed to protect the sensitive nature of the FISA, the pool of potential suspected leakers was small.

The FBI learned that Wolfe had been involved in the logistical process for transporting the FISA materials from the DOJ for review at the SSCI.
Someone else that “learned that Wolfe had been involved” around this same time was @carterwpage.

Weeks after FBI opened its investigation & narrowed to Wolfe as a suspect, Carter was emailing taunts to @WaPo & @nytimes reporters with James Wolfe *blind copied* as a recipient.
This email from @carterwpage would as a tracer for the FISA leak recipient, directly identifying @nakashimae for prosecutors when she was the only reporter of 5 to “respond” to the “invisible” copied target, James Wolfe.
Take a moment to reflect on the irony: @carterwpage, all times under 100% FISA surveillance for being an alleged “agent of a hostile foreign power”, is sending emails that identify leak-networks for federal prosecutors AND are used as multiple pieces of “State’s evidence”...🤔
QUESTION: How does Page know James Wolfe is involved? Page was approached by Ali Watkins & Brian Ross, also Wapo & NYT reporters, but how would Page know about logistics of his FISA or which “government operatives” were to blame?

How’d he find out in 2 weeks? While under FISA?
This amazing display of trade-craft, specifically using emails to *indirectly transmit* key investigative leads to federal authorities by way of *intercepted* communications via FISA, is notable... 🤔
It establishes a *pattern* of such behavior for @carterwpage.

See his email to the international body OSCE to *indirectly* inform FBI/Comey that he knew about Christopher Steele.

Carter was the first in the world to “report” about that, FWIW.
Carter Page also sent another email, the day before his letter to reporters, to the House Intel Committee.
In this email Carter names reporters at @ABCnews & @Buzzfeednews ( @brianross & @aliwatkins) as responsible for Felony #1.
Carter names reporters at @Wapo as responsible for Felony #2. Note that Carter does not mention @nytimes reporters in the formal complaint to HPSCI even though he would mention them the next day in the informal ‘trap’ email to the reporters. 🤔
Note that everyone that Carter has “named”, has suffered consequence:

James Wolfe, named in the blind cc email, was of course prosecuted, convicted, and defamed.
The reporters Carter named responsible for Felony #1 were both demoted from their careers on the NatSec beat *within 24 hours of each other* in July 2018.

They claimed "bad reporting" for Ross and "ethics review" for Watkins. Both were poor cover stories.
The reporter responsible for Felony #2 was masked as Reporter #1 in the Wolfe indictment but slyly revealed by @carterwpage as @nakashimae when he leveraged a female identifier dropped by prosecutor Jessie K. Liu to eliminate 4 other male contenders! Hi Ellen!
We have wondered in the past why @nakashimae has escaped having her career destroyed like Ross, Watkins or Wolfe. In hindsight it appears to be the fact that she had interfaced w FBI before publishing her story. This also explains why NYT reporters are never officially targeted.
Astute readers will identify other questions:

From where did @BrianRoss receive his leaks?

Why wasn't @BrianRoss named in Wolfe indictment?

How did @BrianRoss have BOTH scoop on @carterwpage identity, AND rumor about @GeorgePapa19 FISA?

And know *NOT to write* about PAPA? 🤔
This will have to be dealt with in a separate installment. The answers are pretty interesting. 😁👍


@SenRonJohnson: “I have my third letter to IG of the IC asking him to confirm... are you investigating those leaks that Peter Strzok talked about with Lisa Page?”

@ChuckTodd LOSES HIS MIND! 😂
Picking up on aforementioned questions regarding Brian Ross here...
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